Aella had frowned, confused. Why would she ever want to hurt Micah? Why would anyone ever hurt their spouse? She had wondered.
Aella would laugh at such naïve thoughts now if she could remember how to laugh.
The invisible ropes around her neck became tighter as she thought, not for the first time, that she was trapped. She had nothing, no one. No money, no formal education, no family. Nowhere to run. Not to mention that if she did, she’d be in danger. Vampires and other demons could scent gargoyles. A female without the protection of a clan or a husband was bound to be killed at the very least.
But wasn’t she dying bit by bit, day by day?
Don’t be so dramatic, she admonished herself. Others have it worse.
Once upon a time, that had sounded convincing. Now all she felt were invisible hands squeezing her heart. And rage. A rage so all-consuming and sinful that she felt capable of striking back the next time, even if it killed her.
Ez tugged at her braid, bringing her back to the present. Guilt curled around her ribcage. She shouldn’t have such dark thoughts while holding an innocent child.
She sighed, gently tugging her hair out of Ez’s mouth and enjoying the peace of the nursery. The rectangular room with soft yellow walls had two cribs, on opposite walls. The one on the left was mostly unused, since Charity had learned how to climb out of it and join Ez a few months before. There was a dresser/changing table by each crib; a shelf of church-approved children’s books and a trunk bracketed the sofa and plush chairs. Aella wiggled her toes into the white, fluffy carpet.
“Mom,” Ez said, patting Aella’s cheek.
Aella flinched, imagining Esther’s reaction had she been there. “No, Ez. I’m not mom, I’m Aella.”
Ez’s almost non-existent blond brows furrowed. “A-i-i-a.”
Aella chuckled, kissing his forehead. “Close enough.”
“Ella, look!” Charity cried, waving a tiny hand to encompass her impressive display of stuffed animals. Most were pink bunnies.
“Good job,” Aella praised.
Charity beamed and proceeded to rearrange her collection with the care and concentration of an artist.
Aella’s neck itched, her heart beating faster.
Instinctively, she secured her grip around Ez and stood. Half of her mind registered that she’d done it much faster and gracefully than usual despite the dull ache in most of her muscles. The rest of her attention zeroed in on the male who opened the nursery’s doors, locked them behind him, and got in her personal space in mere seconds.
“What do you want, Eli?” Aella asked, forcing her voice to remain steady.
Ez burrowed closer to Aella’s neck, little hands grabbing her as hard as he could.
Eli stared her down, head cocking and lips curling into a mocking smile as he eyed the bruises on Aella’s right cheek, jaw, and neck. “I see Micah has taken my advice and reined you in for being a mouthy whore.”
Her stomach twisted like an old rag.
“Ella?” Charity asked, voice tremulous.
“Watch your mouth in front of the children,” Aella scolded.
Eli moved in a flash, twisting his hand into Aella’s braid and forcing her neck to arch. “You watch your mouth, whore.”
Pain lanced down Aella’s spine.
Ez started to cry. “Mom!” he called.
“Ella!” Charity cried.
“You are scaring the children,” Aella managed through the pain. “If you hurt Ez, Ben will make you pay for it.”
Eli tightened his hold, making Aella whimper and Ez cry harder. Then he abruptly released her. “Put him in his crib.”
Aella gulped, fighting tears, and hurried to put Ez in his crib. Charity approached, crying and lifting her arms to Aella, asking to be held. Aella got her into the crib with Ez, her heart breaking at seeing the children’s red, teary faces and the fear in their eyes.