Mari fist-bumped her accomplice and then fixed Zeydan with that no-nonsense green gaze. “Now, back to you making choices for Aella.”
“I’m not—”
Mari tsked. “You fucking well are. She deserves to know all the facts and make an informed decision. And even if she chooses to be your friend and nothing more, all those risks you mentioned would still apply. Because, let’s face it, you are now incapable of staying completely away from her. Hells, considering you almost got your pretty arse captured by the gargoyles the night you met her, I say you’ve never been able to stay away from her.”
She had him bang to rights, and he couldn’t even try to lie about it.
Zeydan squeezed the back of his neck. “Fine. You both have valid points.”
“Does this mean you are finally getting your head out of your arse and will have a proper conversation with Aella?” Gabby asked hopefully.
“I will consider it,” he bluffed.
Mari and Gabby thwacked him in sync.
He scowled at both. “Have you no respect for the head of your clan, you impertinent females? You need to learn your place.”
Zeydan dodged them this time, laughing at the glares they shot at him. He was well aware that if he’d meant that even a bit, they would have kicked his arse.
“I will talk to Aella soon,” he promised. “Happy now, you nosy loons?”
Mari harrumphed. “Fucking delighted.”
Gabby squeezed his hand. “You are good for each other, Zeydan. Don’t let your fears keep you from being happy.”
He swallowed hard. “I won’t.” Not this time, he mentally added.
Gabby smiled at him, a trace of melancholy shining in her eyes.
“Ugh, sentimental dumbfuckery alert,” Mari grumbled, making a gagging sound.
“We aren’t all allergic to feelings, Mari,” Gabby said. “Deal with it.” Her stomach grumbled. “I need to feed.” She poked Zeydan’s ribs. “And so do you. Don’t forget.”
“Yes, ma’am,” he drawled.
Gabby stuck her tongue out at him and then headed back inside to no doubt have some of Lex for dinner.
“You can feed on me if you want,” Mari offered.
He turned his head toward her so fast that his neck creaked.
Mari arched a brow at him. “It would hardly be the first time.”
“Yes, but I was injured the previous times,” Zeydan pointed out.
Mari shrugged. “What can I say? I’m feeling generous.”
Zeydan’s brow furrowed. Many fey considered giving their blood to vampires sinful. Mostly because some psychopathic vampires abducted fey and turned them into blood slaves. It was more frequent centuries ago, but clearly, some degenerate vampires still did it. But also because fey considered their blood precious and the practice of blood sharing was reserved only for bonded mates.
Mari narrowed her eyes at him. “I don’t give a single flying fuck about my kind’s bullshit, fucking ridiculous concepts of blood purity, Zeydan.”
“Am I becoming transparent?” he wondered aloud.
Mari shrugged. “You’ve always been as far as I’m concerned. Those pretty eyes of yours say it all. Now come here and bite me. I haven’t all night.”
Zeydan narrowed his eyes at her with faux suspicion. “Is this your way of confessing that you fancy me?”
Mari snorted and then laughed so loudly that Zeydan would have been a bit offended if he hadn’t expected it. “You are not my type.”