“So Gabby and Lex have been together for two decades?” she asked, almost in a hurry, not wanting their time together to end.
Zeydan smiled. “Almost. It took them a full year of angst, denial, and more angst to admit that they were in love with each other.” He laughed softly. “It drove Evan, Mari, and me insane.”
Aella smiled. “And Andreas? When did he join you?”
Zeydan sobered, and Aella knew it was not a happy subject.
She opened her mouth to tell him he didn’t have to answer, but he spoke first.
“I met Andreas one night, five years ago, when I was hunting down a group of gargoyles,” Zeydan said, giving Aella a measuring look. She sighed and nodded. He continued. “I was going to ambush them and slay them before they went back inside their church, but they were not alone. They had a screaming 5-year-old vampire girl with them.”
Aella gasped. “Luce.”
Zeydan nodded. “The gargoyles went inside Andreas’s home when he was working, killed Elizabeth, his wife, and kidnapped Luce.”
Aella felt as if someone had kicked her stomach. Her eyes prickled. No wonder Andreas didn’t like her.
“Andreas was about to go inside that church and get himself killed,” Zeydan told her. “I intercepted him and tried to reason with him. He was feral with rage and fear for Luce and nearly overpowered me, but he finally listened to reason. I called Gabby and Mari as backup. They brought Lex and Evan as well, and the six of us went inside that wretched place and got Luce back.”
Aella let out a long exhalation. “Poor Luce. To lose her mother like that… and Andreas…”
Zeydan let her go while they changed positions on the sidewalk. He stayed near the road so Aella was beside the treeline. Then he took her hand again.
“Losing a mate can be deadly for supernaturals,” Zeydan told her, pain lacing his voice. “I think Andreas would have given up if he didn’t have Luce. If you think he’s always in a sour mood now, you wouldn’t have wanted to meet him five, or even four years ago.” He gave Aella a rueful smile. “He scowls when we tease him, as you’ve seen, but he used to roar like a lion at the slightest provocation before. We did our best to help him, and Luce did more than all of us, really. She has never had any qualms about telling him off when he’s being an idiot. She got that from her mother.”
Aella smiled, but it felt bittersweet. “I’m glad you all have each other.”
Zeydan’s smile was melancholic as well. “So am I, believe me.”
They stayed in companionable silence for a few minutes, walking unhurriedly toward Diana’s house.
“What are you up to when you aren’t working or reading enemies-to-lovers romance?” he asked, jade eyes bright with warm amusement.
Aella was not blushing. Nope.
“I am taking a mostly online course to get my high school diploma,” she answered, feeling giddy about it still. “Maybe one day I’ll pursue a career, though I’ve no idea of which, and I am quite happy working at Hecate for now.”
“That’s wonderful,” Zeydan enthused.
“Thank you,” she said. “I cook with Diana, and go to the movies with her and Trinity sometimes. Diana and I also hang out with Lupita and Mac. We all enjoy trying out new restaurants. Oh, and I take long walks in the forest with a wolf.”
Zeydan froze.
“Are you alright?” Aella asked solicitously.
He gave her a wan smile and resumed walking, his fingers drumming against her hand once, twice. “A wolf, you say. As in a werewolf?”
Aella shrugged. “No, just a wolf. He is rather huge, though.”
Zeydan licked his lips nervously. “And the wolf doesn’t scare you?”
“Not one bit,” Aella said with complete honesty. “Not even the first time I saw him.”
Zeydan met her gaze, at last, his lips parted in surprise. “Really?”
Aella smiled. “Really. He’s rather cute for a horse-sized wolf with enough strength to break trees.”
Zeydan’s eyes widened, his hand turning cold in Aella’s grasp.