Page 338 of Halfblood Deceived

Kamilla huffed, her topaz eyes bright with amusement. “I told you he wouldn’t keep his mouth shut.”

Andreas stopped bickering with Mari to narrow his eyes at Kerian. “Did I just hear my name in the same phrase as the words ‘group chat?’”

“Nope,” Kerian lied, making zero effort to sound convincing.

Andreas turned his glare on Evan. “What have you done now, you meddling fucker?”

Evan placed a hand against his chest. “Me? Nothing! I’m innocent!”

Andreas turned his scowly attention to Aella. “What were you three talking about, Aella?”

She tried to stop smiling and feign innocence, but couldn’t. “Um, about Evan’s wonderful qualities and baffling bachelor status.”

“And?” Andreas prompted, his expression was that of a CIA interrogator in a spy thriller.

Aella stifled a giggle. “And, er, about fashion?”

“Leave the poor girl be, Andreas,” Gabby scolded, hiding her smile behind her glass of grape juice.

“Stop interrogating my baby sister, Andreas,” Diana said with a much better poker face than Aella.

Aylana tutted. “You have no manners whatsoever, Andreas.”

Sebastian tsked. “Have you no consideration for the recently convalescent, Andreas?”

“Not if they’re lying through their teeth, I don’t,” Andreas grumbled.

“You don’t want to know, trust me,” Aella said.

Evan’s eyes went wide. He shook his head at Aella.

“Care to elaborate, Aella?” Andreas asked.

Aella took a sip of wine and smiled at the grump. “Nope.”

Zeydan laughed, fangs flashing.

“Evan is corrupting her,” Mari accused.

“Why am I always the one accused of corrupting everyone?” Evan demanded. “You are all just as bad as me!”

Gabby wiped the corners of her mouth with a napkin. “Nope. I am a fountain of benevolence and purity.”

“Me too,” Lex said, just as primly.

“Objectively speaking, Uncle Evan is out of line on fewer occasions than most of you,” Luce said, in that formal tone she used to scold people. “So is Uncle Zeydan. Uncle Lex is far more prone to lewd comments. Auntie Gabby can be very nosy, and Dad and Auntie Mari use a lot more foul language.”

“Luce!” Lex and Gabby chorused.

Luce shrugged, undaunted. “It’s true.”

Zeydan snorted along with Aella, his jade eyes full of delight.

“Traitor,” Mari said to Luce.

Evan beamed at Luce. “Have I mentioned that you are my favorite person in this whole rotten world, Luce?”

The girl nodded. “You have.”