Page 251 of Halfblood Deceived

“Alright.” He wrapped his arm around her shoulders and she buried her face in his shoulder. “Do you want to go back to the hotel or go home?”

“Home, please,” Aella said.

Zeydan kissed the top of her head. “As you wish, Amazon.”

* * *

“We’re here,” Zeydan announced.

“Hmph?” Aella muttered, yawning and blinking at Diana’s house through the car’s window. She turned toward Zeydan, biting her lip.

“What?” he asked.

“Do you want to stay the rest of the night with me?” Her cheeks turned slightly pink. “Just to sleep, I mean. I’m too tired for anything else, and I think I ruined the mood by bleeding everywhere anyway, but I’d like to sleep next to you. Er, if you want. You can stay on the couch if you prefer. But we’ve slept together in the woods before and…” She covered her face with her hands. “Where are time machines when you need them?”

Zeydan laughed.

Aella glared at him through her fingers, but she was fighting a smile.

“You’re so damn cute,” he said. “You ruined nothing. And why is asking me to stay for cuddles so difficult? I had my head buried between your legs mere hours ago, remember?”

Aella’s jaw dropped, cheeks beet red. “You… How can you say things like that so suddenly?”

He gave her an innocent look. “I was just asking.”

Aella laughed.

Goddess, he adored the sound of her laughter.

She squared her shoulders, still flushed and smiling. “Do you want to stay the night just for cuddles, Zeydan?”

He took her hand and kissed her knuckles. “I’d love to, Aella.”

She shook her head and giggled.

“Do you mind if I use your shower?” he asked. “I have some clothes to change into and I’d like to wash off the smell of the hospital.”

Aella wrinkled her nose. “Same. And I don’t mind at all. You can use my bathroom and I’ll use Diana’s, so neither of us has to wait.”

Zeydan smiled. “Sounds like a plan.”

He grabbed their bags from the back seat and got out of the car, using his preternatural speed to open the door for Aella.

She smiled, accepting his help to leave the car.

Zeydan locked it, and they made their way toward the entrance of the house.

Aella unlocked the door and invited Zeydan in. The wards tingled on his skin when he went through the threshold, but felt less prickly than last time.

They both kicked off their shoes and then, as if pulled by a magnet, faced each other. Zeydan could see every freckle on Aella’s face with perfect clarity, despite the darkness. He almost leaned forward and kissed her. Almost.

She’s tired, she’s ill, Zeydan reminded himself.

He was going to ask Mari to examine Aella as soon as possible. He didn’t trust that doctor’s opinion.

“I’ll, um, show you the bathroom,” Aella said, heading for the stairs.

Zeydan trailed after her. I’m going to need a cold shower, he mused.