She wrinkled her nose, thinking about how nervous she’d gotten when she’d been alone with Rod, Vaz, and Tim in the locker room about a week before. She’d tried to pretend everything was fine. They were not going to hurt her. She knew it, but her treacherous, cowardly body apparently did not. They’d been talking and laughing, not even paying attention to her until Vaz had suddenly turned to examine her with those dark, knowing eyes of his. He’d said nothing, but had practically dragged the others out.
However, earlier that morning, she’d been alone with Sebastian while Aylana showered and she’d been fine. Sebastian had fulfilled his promise and told her about the time he made out with a vampire male while a church burned around them.
She noticed the surprised but pleased expression on Zeydan’s beautiful face from the corner of her eye.
“Well, you and Sebastian,” Aella corrected.
Zeydan chuckled. “Sebastian has the uncanny skill to make people feel either completely at ease with him or so irritated that they want to—”
“Punch the daylights out of him,” Aella finished. “Aylana mentioned that too.”
“She would know better than most,” Zeydan commented.
“Yep,” Aella agreed. She took a deep breath, gathering her courage. “There’s something… soothing about being with you as the wolf. I don’t feel nervous or as self-conscious as usual.” She shrugged, almost regretting having said it out loud.
Zeydan’s brow crinkled. “I make you nervous?”
“Not in a bad way,” she hastened to say. “It’s just…” You’re so beautiful, and kind, and all I can think about is touching your hair and kissing you. “I’m not used to being alone this way with someone.”
His lips tilted up. “I understand. And I’m by far not insulted, just surprised. People normally find me terrifying in my wolf form. Even vampires.”
Aella tried to see it from an outsider’s perspective. She supposed horse-sized wolves would scare most people. Perhaps there was something not quite right in her head, but she didn’t care.
“I’ve never feared you as the wolf,” she confessed. “I am quite aware that you could slice me in half with one move, but I trust you not to. I knew you wouldn’t since that day. You know, when you saved me from Chloe and Cassidy.”
He came to a stop, turning to face her. “I’m glad you know I’d never hurt you.”
With a jolt, Aella realized they were near the tree line, right across Diana’s home.
He placed a lock of hair that had escaped her loose braid behind her ear. The sunlight caressed the planes of his face and made the small lines of amber in his irises more visible.
Aella swallowed hard. “The sunlight doesn’t hurt you even a bit?”
“Prolonged and direct exposure is mildly uncomfortable, but that’s it.” He gave her a thoughtful look, his thumb brushing her cheek. “You haven’t let me cuddle you as the wolf, or touched me as much as usual lately, however. I miss that.”
Aella bit her lip, throat closing. “It didn’t seem fair after… after I made you leave.” She wanted to talk about the very uncomfortable end of their first kiss, but didn’t all at once.
“I love spending time with you,” Zeydan said. His jade eyes conveyed nothing but honesty. “I want you with every drop of blood running through my veins. But if friendship is all you want from me, I’ll take it. If you feel more comfortable around me when I’m the wolf, then so be it. Every moment you can give me is a precious gift I will always treasure.”
A wave of longing hit Aella’s chest so hard her knees felt weak. A potent combination of her tangled-up feelings and Zeydan’s suppressed desire warmed her veins. Her eyes prickled even though she didn’t feel sad. She had no words for the tight feeling enveloping her very center and making her want to merge with Zeydan somehow.
“I want friendship,” Aella confessed, almost in a whisper. “I want more walks and conversations. I want your hand in mine and I want cuddles, but not just in your wolf form.” She swallowed, her throat dry. “I want more. I want everything. I want you.”
A low, scratchy sound left Zeydan’s throat. He wrapped both arms around Aella, firmly enough so she could feel how much he craved her proximity, but gently so that she could pull back if she wanted to.
She very much didn’t. Her hands fell on his strong shoulders automatically, and they fitted there perfectly.
Zeydan closed his eyes for a moment, then met Aella’s gaze. His gaze was more intense than ever. “We’ll always be safe among our friends and my family. Always. But you know there will be arseholes out there who will feel entitled to meddle in our relationship, don’t you? The vampire council and my wretched father included.”
Aella nodded. “I do. And I know it’s even more complicated for you because you’re a royal. That it could damage your status within the Court—”
“I don’t give a single fuck about my status, Aella,” Zeydan said, voice scratchy. “But as much as I wish it were different, our relationship will put you in even more danger. However, I know it’s not just my choice.” He smiled ruefully. “Mari and Gabby reminded me of that fact, to be honest. And you’ve made your choice, yes?”
“Yes,” Aella confirmed, her heart beating so fast she was almost shaking with the force of the beats. “Some things are worth fighting for.”
Zeydan smiled unreservedly. “See? I always knew you would honor your name with a backbone of steel, Amazon. It’s one of the many things I love about you.”
Aella bit her lip. The way he called her Amazon made her feel hollow with sheer want.