Page 195 of Halfblood Deceived

“But not the same way you like Zeydan?” Aylana asked gently.

Aella nodded, embarrassed. She felt immature. She feared her friends found her childish and stupid, but there was only understanding on their beautiful faces.

“So knowing I’m not as straight as I thought changes nothing, really,” Aella concluded. “Because I don’t feel about Reese the same way I do about Zeydan.”

Aylana smiled and squeezed Aella’s hand. “Embracing every aspect of who you are is never wrong and doesn’t have to change anything. Realizing that you are attracted to your same gender or someone of a different gender, like Reese, doesn’t make your feelings for Zeydan any less valid.”

Aella breathed deeply. “I still feel guilty, though. I feel like a… I can’t say it.”

“And you shouldn’t,” Aylana said. “You are not a bad female or whatever horrible names you’ve been called before, Aella.”

Sebastian smiled. “My beautiful warrior is right again. You needed to figure yourself out. No one can blame you for that, and I’m sure Zeydan wouldn’t.”

Aella’s legs started to move on their own accord. “Let’s hope you’re right. Because I’ll have to tell Zeydan if he… If we… I think I’m getting ahead of myself as usual.”

“You don’t have to tell him unless you want to,” Aylana said. “And not because you feel obliged. If you feel better telling him, then go ahead. But we don’t owe our partners an autobiography.”

“Zeydan is not my partner,” Aella said.

Yet, whispered a hopeful voice in her head.

“But do you want him to be?” Sebastian asked.

Aella closed her eyes for a second. “I think so.”

The couple grinned at Aella.

“I don’t know if he feels the same way,” Aella reminded them.

Sebastian rolled his eyes. “Oh, please. It’s been painfully obvious since day one.”

“We are happy for you two,” Aylana enthused.

“Nothing has happened yet!” Aella squeaked. “Well, except for one kiss.”

Aylana’s eyes widened. “Ooh. Spill!”

Aella shook her head. “Nope.”

“You spill the beans and I will make you the cheesiest omelet ever,” Sebastian proposed.

Aylana groaned. “He makes the best omelets ever.”

Aella’s stomach growled.

Sebastian wiggled his eyebrows at her.

“You are blackmailing me,” Aella grumbled.

“Not unless it’s working,” Sebastian chanted, half smiling. “Is it working?”

“Maybe,” Aella lied. It was definitely working. “You are not telling Zeydan about this, are you?”

Sebastian shook his head and stood, offering Aella and Aylana his hands. “Never. And I am also not telling you what he’s said about you.”

Aella narrowed her eyes at him even as she took his hand and allowed him to haul her to her feet. “You’re bluffing.”

“Am I?” Sebastian drawled, dodging Aylana’s predictable head thwack. He laughed. “I am a neutral party. Friend and confidant to all, but wholly impartial and capable of keeping the darkest, sweetest secrets.” He sighed and puffed his chest. “Some days I can barely believe my own magnanimity—”