Page 193 of Halfblood Deceived

“Not technically, legally,” Aella said, feeling wretched. She wished she could annul her marriage. Hells, she wished she could travel back in time and not get married at all.

Aylana hummed. “Well, you didn’t legally exist until a couple of months ago when you were registered as a citizen of Darkwood. So your marriage is only legal inside the church. Or more accurately, you are married only within the Order of the Light, a secret branch of the church. They have records, of course, but considering they’re an undercover organization, they have no legality whatsoever.”

Aella blinked.

“So ‘technically married’ is a bit more accurate, don’t you think?” Sebastian asked gently, lips tilting.

Aella chewed her lip. “I guess. I hadn’t thought of it that way.”

“And Micah tried to kill you, Aella,” Aylana said. “If the world were a fucking sane place, that would make your marriage void. ‘To have and to hold,’ remember? Not to harm.”

Pain pulsed in Aella’s gut, sending achy waves across her whole body. “Diana said something similar. So did Kamilla.”

“Great minds think alike,” Sebastian said with a wink.

Aella’s lips curled up minutely, but she ended up grimacing. “I know you are all right, but sometimes I need to hear it aloud. Is that stupid?”

“Absolutely not,” Aylana said.

“Not even a little bit,” Sebastian agreed.

Aella sighed. “I’m still very confused, though.”

“Because you liked the kiss?” Aylana guessed.

Aella nodded. “It wasn’t—it didn’t make me feel fireworks.” Unlike what I felt with Zeydan, she mentally added. “But it felt… nice. But I’m straight.”

Sebastian examined her, tilting his head. “How do you know you are straight?”

“I was married to a male,” Aella said. “And I like Zeydan.”

Aylana played with the cap of her bottle. “Alright, but have you ever felt drawn to a female or someone of a different gender?”

“No,” Aella said reflexively.

Aylana and Sebastian shared a look.

Aella frowned. “What?”

“Are you sure?” Aylana asked. “Have you never found yourself staring at a female’s, er, attributes for a long time?”

Aella’s cheeks heated.

She had caught herself staring at Aylana’s… well, everything more than once. The touch of Aylana’s hands, when she showed her how to throw or block a punch, made her feel tingly sometimes. Not as much as Zeydan’s touch, but… close. And there were moments when she couldn’t take her eyes off Kamilla’s seemingly endless legs.

Her throat went dry. “I know I sometimes stare at you, Aylana. I’m sorry if I ever made you feel uncomfortable. But it’s just… You’re so beautiful. I, um, I wish I looked more like you.”

That was normal, wasn’t it? To feel a bit of healthy envy of the beauty of other females.


Except Aella didn’t feel bitterness or jealousy when she stared at Aylana.

Oh, goddess.

Aylana blinked. “You haven’t made me feel uncomfortable.” Her lips tilted. “The way you look is very sweet. And you have no reason to wish you looked like me, Aella. You’re gorgeous just the way you are. Thanks to our soulbond, I can’t really feel attraction toward anyone who isn’t this cocky pain in the ass over here.” She tilted her head toward a smiling Sebastian. “But you are beautiful, honey.”

Maybe it was vain and stupid but Aella’s eyes prickled with happy tears. She wanted to hug Aylana and hide under the kitchen table, too. “Thank you.”