“I volunteer to help with administrative duty if you’ll have me,” Sebastian offered. “My businesses practically run themselves and I can delegate a few things.”
Kamilla smiled. “Thank you, and yes, of course we’ll have you.”
“I’m not that fond of giving orders,” Zeydan admitted. “But I’ll help you with anything you ask.”
“I’ll take care of Hecate whenever you need me to,” Diana said to Kam. “And I’m your girl if you want to bury or behead someone. Always.”
Kam turned her head to smile at Diana. And goddess, they were definitely in love with each other and in denial. Zeydan had seen that look before plenty of times in Gabby and Lex’s eyes, back when they were being stubborn idiots.
“I know,” Kamilla said.
Diana cleared her throat and turned away first.
Andreas met Kamilla’s gaze. “I love killing gargoyles, and if you need to plan an attack operation, I’ll be more than glad to help. I can also help you train recruits. But I shall warn you, I’m not precisely approachable.”
“Nah, you think?” Mari quipped.
Andreas flicked the tip of her ear. Which proved, yet again, that he had the maturity of a 5-year-old.
Mari glared at him and lifted a threatening, magic-laced finger.
Andreas pretended not to notice, his gaze still on Kamilla. “You are free to use my skills as you see fit, my Princess.”
“I’m in, too,” Evan said with a grin.
Kamilla smiled at them, but concern flashed in her topaz eyes. “Your help is more than welcome as well.”
Luce squeezed Evan’s and Andreas’ hands harder.
“I’ll leave that choice to my wife,” Lex said sheepishly.
Gabby sighed. “Once our child is born, we’ll both join the ranks of guardians. Or none of us will. There is no alternative.” Her blue eyes searched Kamilla’s gaze. “I’m sorry if it makes me look ungrateful after the help you have provided us, my Princess.”
Kam shook her head. “Goddess, of course it doesn’t. I’m certain I’d feel the same way if I had a spouse and children.”
“Which is why we’ve both done our best to remain spouse-less during the last two centuries,” Kerian agreed.
Kerian’s wife had died under the gargoyles’ blade. If not for Kamilla, Kerian would have lost his mind after his soulmate’s death. He also had a daughter, whom he rarely saw due to the fearless female’s habit of wandering around the globe.
“Romantic relationships are a liability and children are an eternal responsibility.” Mari leaned slightly forward, meeting Luce’s gaze. “No offense, darling.”
“None taken, Auntie Mari,” Luce said breezily. “I agree with you.”
Andreas glared at Mari. “What ideas have you been putting into my child’s head?”
Mari gave Andreas a smile that promised something awful was going to come out of her mouth. “None, Andreas. Your daughter gets ideas all on her own.” She patted Andreas’ knee. “It’s understandable if you can’t grasp the concept, however.”
There it is, Zeydan thought wryly.
Andreas growled at Mari, upper lip curling.
Luce sighed. “Auntie Mari, we both know you think Dad is brilliant in his own way, you said so once.”
Mari’s eyes went wide as saucers and her cheeks turned pink. She gave Luce an accusatory glare that went wholly ignored.
Luce fixed Andreas with her best no-nonsense look. “And we both know that you would jump in front of a bullet to protect Auntie Mari. You also said so once.”
“I did not!” Andreas protested.