Page 124 of Halfblood Deceived

Reese didn’t release her hand, intense dark blue eyes examining her. “I go by ‘they,’ just so you know.”

Aella nodded. “Nice to meet you, Reese.”

They smiled and let go.

“There are more people to meet, but they’ll arrive a bit later.” Kamilla gave Aella’s shoulder a reassuring squeeze before letting go. “You know the drill,” she said to the room at large.

“Protect Diana’s baby sister until she grows the same claws we all have,” Tim said.

“Keep the weirdness levels to a minimum so we don’t scare off Aella on her first day,” Alec added.

“Lupita’s mere existence nullifies that possibility,” Mac opined.

Most of the others nodded their agreement, Diana included.

The tiny witch stuck her tongue out at Mac. “I can behave.”

“Doubtful,” Trinity countered.

“Keep an eye out for any potential idiots,” Jordan said with full seriousness.

“And kick them in the crotch if need be,” Trinity agreed.

Tim huffed. “Kicking crotches is our job, Trin.”

“We can multitask,” Trinity argued, her eyes bright with mischief.

“Yes, we can,” Mac said.

“Hexing idiots is on the menu on special occasions,” Lupita said.

Aella’s eyes went wide. There were several people ready to defend her, even though they didn’t know her. She felt conflicted, but warmed as well.

Kamilla nodded approvingly at her employees. “Hmm. You do know the drill. Good. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have a lot of boring stuff to do.”

With that and a final, encouraging smile to Aella, she left the staff room.

Diana stood and wrapped an arm around Aella’s shoulders. “I’ll show you to your locker.”

Aella nodded.

“So, is it true you are a genius?” Brittany asked, looking Aella up and down.

Aella cringed as she used the key to open her locker and stuffed her bag inside. “Nope.”

Tim stage-gasped. “Have you been lying to us, Diana?”

Diana rolled her eyes at him. “Aella, how much is 19,857 times 4,563?”

“90,607,491,” Aella responded automatically. “But that doesn’t mean anything.”

“557,844 times 56,455?” Lupita asked.

It took Aella all of two seconds. “31,495,341,220.”

They all gaped.

Aella wrinkled her nose. “It’s nothing special. I don’t know how I can do that. I mean, I’ve read a few math books, but the answers to basic operations like adding and multiplying simply crystallize in my mind.” She bit her lip, trying to find a way to explain. “It’s as if there’s a digital calculator in my head. I don’t really see the process if that makes sense.”