Page 116 of Halfblood Deceived

Mari pretended to be intensely interested in the landscape. Lex and Gabby were donning their ‘we are neutral’ masks. Evan was echoing Luce’s puppy gaze.

Zeydan felt tempted to scream. He shook his sore head, which was an appalling idea. “Perhaps I should just buy some land and have a house built to make sure the vibes are fucking perfect.”

“That would be a waste of limited natural resources,” Luce pointed out in her smuggest tone.

Her lot of accomplices, Andreas included, grinned.

Zeydan was going to kick them all. “We could also move to that apartment building. It has great security.”

“Apartment buildings are cold!” Luce protested. “I like trees.”

“Many trees will die if I have a home built from scratch,” Zeydan said, shrugging. “But I guess it’s a small price to pay to have the right vibes.”

Luce’s brow furrowed with horror. “I don’t want you to kill trees, Uncle Zeydan.”

“Then I guess we’ll have to make this house a home since chances are we won’t find anything better, right?” Zeydan asked, his tone cold and indifferent to his own ears. “It’s the perfect middle ground between not having to waste precious natural resources and not having to move to a cold apartment, don’t you think?”

Luce’s lower lip trembled, eyes going teary. “This is not democracy. You promised democracy and now you are taking it away.”

She released Evan, and all but zoomed out of the kitchen.

Zeydan’s frustration popped out of existence, leaving a bitter taste in his mouth and an achy spot in his chest. Luce was never dramatic. He had genuinely upset her, and now he wanted Aylana to kick his arse again.

Andreas gave him a murderous scowl before trailing after his daughter.

Evan’s brow furrowed. “You know, she may sound like an adult sometimes, but she’s still a child, Zeydan.”

Zeydan’s stomach churned.

Evan left the kitchen.

Mari sighed. “That wasn’t your best moment. I’ll have to agree.”

Zeydan swallowed hard, trying to push down the nausea curling around his gut. He knew that. What he’d done reminded him of his fucking father.

“I’ll go keep Sandy entertained.” Kerian squeezed Zeydan’s shoulder before leaving the kitchen.

Gabby stepped away from Lex, coming to cup Zeydan’s face in her warm hands. Silent understanding passed between them. He knew she could read his disgust at himself for making Luce cry. He knew she would understand his reasons, flimsy as they seemed at the moment.

Zeydan laid his forehead against hers, not for the first time infinitely grateful that Lex wasn’t the jealous type, and closed his eyes. He wanted to undo the last five minutes. He wanted the ground to open up and swallow him whole.

“I’m sorry,” he murmured.

Gabby rubbed his temples with her thumbs, something she’d done a thousand times before. “I know. And I know you’ll make it right with Luce, and that she’ll forgive you. But you’ll have to forgive yourself as well, alright?”

Easier said than done, Zeydan thought, but he nodded.

They pulled back at the same time.

Zeydan took a deep breath, gathered his courage, and went to find Luce.

* * *

He found her sitting on the roots of the massive tree at the back of the property.

Luce’s eyes were clear of tears, thank the goddess, but she still looked sad.

Andreas and Evan were leaning against two of the columns that supported the deck’s roof, watching Luce and talking, pretending they weren’t going to listen in on Zeydan.