“Faster,” she requested, pleasant adrenaline warming her veins.
He went faster.
Aella had the feeling that it wasn’t half as fast as he could go, but it was still a speed that could easily match a cheetah’s. She leaned closer to him, gripping him harder, hugging him, and enjoyed the ride.
The wolf wasn’t even slightly out of breath when he slowed his pace as they neared the edge of the park, right across from Diana’s house. He lowered himself to the ground so Aella could get off him.
She didn’t want to.
Partly because the prospect of seeing Diana made her insides quake with nervousness, shame, and regret. But mostly because she had never felt freer, happier, or safer than she did with all her limbs around the wolf.
Still, she climbed off his back… and lost her balance.
The wolf moved so fast that she only saw a black blur.
One second he was belly on the ground, the next he was supporting her with his side.
Aella righted herself with his help and turned to face him, meeting those gorgeous green eyes. “Thank you.” She reached out to place her palms on his cheeks. He closed his eyes and nuzzled her. “Thank you for everything. I owe more than I could ever repay you.”
They stayed like that for a minute.
Aella pulled back, inhaling deeply, taking his scent into her lungs. “Time to face the music.”
He nudged her chin with his nose.
Aella smiled, stealing one last caress to his cheek before approaching the sidewalk. She looked back. “We’ll see each other soon, yes?”
The wolf gave her a smile, bright green eyes sparkling with delight, and nodded.
Aella took another deep breath, returned his smile, and turned back to wait for the right moment to cross the road.
The wolf was still in the scant shadows when Aella turned back to look at him before going inside her sister’s home.
* * *
Aella found Diana sitting at the small dining table, in her pale hands the damning, tear-streaked note Aella wrote before heading toward the cliff. Diana’s blue eyes were vacant and her nose was red.
Aella toed off her sneakers and approached Diana gingerly, something rusty twisting inside her raw chest. “Diana?”
At the sound of her voice, her sister jolted as if shaken. “Aella?”
A stab of bitter regret impaled Aella’s heart at the confusion mixed with disbelief and startled relief in her sister’s eyes. “Yes, it’s me.”
Diana dropped the note on the table and stood in a blink, throwing her arms around Aella. “Oh, goddess, you are here. You are still here.”
Aella returned the embrace, feeling gooey and achy as she sensed her sister’s heart pumping hard against hers. “I’m here. And I’m sorry.”
A sob shook Diana’s chest. “Oh, honey. You don’t have to apologize to me. I am sorry for not realizing how much you were suffering.”
Aella’s eyes clouded with tears. God, she thought she was dehydrated enough not to produce more. “I didn’t want you to know, Diana. And I do have to apologize because I hurt you, and I hate that I did that. I’m sorry.”
Diana sniffed and pulled back to grip Aella’s shoulders. “You are hurting yourself, Aella. That is much worse.”
She didn’t know what to answer.
Diana wiped Aella’s tears, fierce blue eyes full of understanding and kindness that made her feel guiltier. “No,” she said. “I know that look. You are not guilty of anything, Aella.”