Page 8 of Stolen

“I’m estimating about a buck ten, considering how far she flew,” he answered. Male laughter filled the air like it was the funniest fucking thing they’d ever heard.

As soon as I hit the floor, my body instantly convulsed as the severe pain in my chest exploded throughout my entire being. I tried to suck in as much air as I could but forgot how to inhale as I tried to breathe properly.

“Son of a bitch,” I muttered under my breath.

Holy fuck, I had never been kicked like that before in my life. I’d taken some tough hits in the past but never like that. I couldn’t help but notice the well-trained technique he demonstrated, the speed and power control. With just a little more pressure, he could have easily shattered my ribs, sternum, and collarbone if he wanted to.

In and out, in and out, I tried to force the air into my lungs and bite back the pain that threatened to draw tears. But I swore I would not fucking cry. No way, but goddamn, that hurt. Trying to keep myself together, I could feel the bruise already begin to form on my chest. I knew it would be in the shape of the man’s damn shoe.

Looking up through the loose strands of hair that had fallen over my face, I glared through the pain. I found him standing there, watching me, an odd curious look on his face as he observed me push myself up onto my knees. I wanted him to see I could take it. I could take anything he threw at me and then spit it right back out in his face.

“Try a buck twenty, asshole,” I croaked out, correcting him.

Turning my head to give him my glare of death, I watched as he made a beeline toward me. Kneeling and grabbing a fist full of my hair, he yanked my head up to face him. My gut flipped over as his eyes burned into me with an intensity that made me want to cower and hide, but I fought it. I wouldn’t give him the satisfaction.

“You ever attempt to fight with my men again, and I will teach you the meaning of regret. Do you understand?”

I didn’t answer him because I couldn’t force the words out of my mouth. My brain was a little busy trying to get my lungs to work.

“Donotmake me repeat myself,” he warned, gripping my hair even harder. I winced in pain and tried to focus.

“I understand.” It barely came out as a whisper.

“Good girl.” He then got up and turned to his men. “Get her up and take her to Sid. Make sure she’s clean and put her back with the others.”

“Yes, sir,” they all said in unison.

The two other guards reached down and lifted me by my arms. I got to my feet and attempted to steady myself as they practically dragged me across the floor. The pain was still excruciating, but I’d make sure this asshole knew I could take whatever he threw my way.

Feeling his dark eyes on me as I crossed his office, I stubbornly kept my head up high as I went to find out who this “Sid” was.



* * *

Now that was interesting…

AllI could feel was the electricity in the air. It hovered long after she walked out of my office, the current creating a wave of energy unlike anything I had ever felt before.It was like an invisible lightning storm, setting my senses alive. Even her rosy scent lingered.Dangerously intoxicating.

I hadn't anticipated that. I'm not one for surprises, but this one held the sway of a fucking lioness. Her silence mattered little, too focused on her careful observation of her surroundings, learning what she could. It was the confidence radiating off her skin that penetrated me next, the vitality thick as if it ran through her blood. Even as she kneeled on the floor before me, reduced to nothing like all the others before her, it made no difference in her demeanor. Defiance was still as clear as day in those beautiful amber irises of hers. But she was hiding something else behind those eyes; something she thought I couldn’t see. But I always found it – fear. And fuck if it didn’t turn me on.

Fear was my companion. My weapon. My ally in all things. It was what motivated people, what influenced them, and ultimately what would crush them in the end. It was always the first and last thing lingering in their eyes right before I ended them. Bullet or blade, it didn’t matter. The fear of death unveiled the true essence of a person, and I relished in discovering the cowards among men, breaking them down for what they really were before crushing them into nothing.

This girl would be no different, regardless of how much of a pain in the ass I knew she was going to be. Hell, she’d already gained a reputation from the night my men randomly decided topick her up. She had fought them like a damn near professional, delivering some serious damage andleaving quite the mess in her wake. My men had gravely underestimated her because of her size, but I could see exactly what she was. She was a fighter and the best kind—her type did not break easily. She’d seen my kick coming, albeit a little too late for any meaningful defense, but that single back step I saw her take revealed the depth of her training. She could even take a hit like a champ, and that was something worth admiring.

Donning the body of a damn tiny warrior goddess, my cock could barely contain itself as it marveled in all her delicious glory. Her skin was the softest I had ever felt, my fingertips already suffering from withdrawal. Combined with her stunningly bright red hair, she was easily the most beautiful creature I had ever seen, even in her disheveled state. Solid as a rock, she practically mirrored my own physique, and the ink in her skin confirmed her willingness to suffer a little pain for her own cause. I looked forward to changing that.

But there was something more to this new addition of my inventory. Something I had never experienced before. I couldn't quite figure out exactly what it was, but it was enough to spike my intrigue. The fact that I was even still thinking about her after she’d walked out the door was proof enough of my growing curiosity. And when something I didn’t quite understand caught my attention, far be it from me to let it go before I got my answers. And that put this little redhead in a very precarious position.

There was one thing I did know; something I recognized right away. This girl was among that rare breed of wild horses that refused to break, the challenge I loved. Piece by piece, I delighted in breaking every one of them down until nothing was left but a shell, eager with the need to please and avoid pain and disappointment. Jaden would be no exception. She would accept the same ultimatum as all the others had before her. She wouldbreak or die.

The fun I was going to have with her...

* * *

As the doubledoors closed behind us, we walked farther down the hallway and took a right turn. Jared opened the third door on the right and practically shoved me in. It looked much like a typical medical room with a medical examination table, sink, and cabinets. The two guards stayed outside as Jared closed us in.