Page 126 of Spark

“Dom here yet?” I asked Dan, wondering where our youngest brother was.

“You know Dom. He’ll be fashionably late,” Dan answered.

“Unsurprisingly,” I replied, and Dan nodded in agreement

“Well, now that introductions are over, why don’t you and Jaden go take a seat at our table, and we’ll see you guys as soon as we’re done greeting everyone. Dinner should start in a half hour.”

I nodded at Dan and took Jaden across the room to the double doors that led outside where the tables were set up. Over a dozen round tables were equipped with umbrellas to provide shade from the bright sun overhead. Guests were scattered everywhere; some sitting while others walked and talked amongst each other. The women were giggling and gossiping amongst themselves, ignoring the men as they talked business behind them. About a dozen guards in black suits roamed the area; black sunglasses shielded their eyes and offered a special infrared vision in the daylight.

“Well, look who finally decided to show up,” came a familiar voice behind me.

I turned on a smile “Matt,” I said, acknowledging my oldest friend since we were young boys.

Matt’s dark brown hair lingered over his light blue eyes just enough to cloud them from me. He was about an inch shorter than I was and much leaner, but his profession didn’t involve as much of a necessity for combat as mine did. Matt was an international arms dealer—my best connection to as much firepower as I wanted from all over the globe. He dealt with government contracts to supply just about anything from ammunition to grenades to fucking tanks. He had access to it all and made millions doing it. What was even better was that most of it was perfectly legal.

“This her?” he asked, pointing at Jaden with a wide, excited smile. Matt had been there when I had purchased Jaden right after he’d purchased his first slave. I’d never seen him so shocked in my life.

“It is,” I said with a nod. “Jaden, this is a very good friend of mine, Matthew Rainer. Matt, this is Jaden.”

“An absolute pleasure,” he said almost seductively as he held his hand out for Jaden’s.

She glanced at me for permission, and I gave her the go-ahead with a nod, prideful that she knew well enough to ask before touching another man that wasn’t family.

Good girl.

“Nice to meet you,” she said flatly as she took his hand.

I had no reason to conflict with Matt for reasons of jealousy concerning Jaden. He had his own slave to toy with, and he would respect my boundaries with Jaden just as I would respect his. What was meant to be a quick handshake for Jaden left her shocked when Matt didn’t let go and instead turned the inside of her wrist up to face him. I knew he would want to examine her tattoos.

“This is nice,” he said, admiring the ink. “Wish you would have waited to off the guy before I had a chance to book him. I was thinking of having this done.”

Jaden’s eyes went wide with confusion as they quickly met mine for confirmation thanks to Matt’s little knowledge bomb. I had planned to keep that little secret to myself.

“I’ll get you another contact. Now, get your damn hands off her,” I almost growled.

Matt chuckled and released Jaden’s hand, which then quickly retreated back to her middle.

“Oh, my God! Darren? Is that you?” came an annoyingly high-pitched feminine voice from behind Matt.

“Regina is here?” I asked Matt, annoyed now.

He shrugged. “She’s the party planner.”

“Of course, she is.”

Regina was Matt’s cousin, and though she had the face of a Greek goddess, she had the mind of a box of crayons. I lost count of the number of times I had shoved my dick in her mouth just to keep her from letting more stupid leak out. She had been an on-and-off fuck toy for several years before I finally got sick of her. Her only redeeming quality was that she could suck cock like a pro, but I had a feeling it was because most guys had the same idea as I did with shutting her up.

Regina’s dyed dark red hair hung well past her shoulders, her loose curls bouncing against her fake tits as she made her way over to us in six-inch bright red stiletto heels. Her long legs went on forever, so I had no idea why she needed the extra height. She was already five-foot-nine and barely over a hundred pounds. With her stick thin figure, I had always wondered how I managed to fuck her without accidentally breaking a single bone in her body. That was one of the many things I loved about Jaden. She may be small, but her well-muscled body gave her better durability against me, giving me the assurance I needed to know that she could handle a little tough love.

“Hey, Dare!” Regina said way too enthusiastically as she finally caught up to us.

“Regina,” I said with a polite nod. She might have annoyed the fuck out of me, but she was still Matt’s cousin.

“I didn’t expect to see you here!”

I furrowed my brows. “This is my brother’s baby shower.”

“Oh, right, duh,” she said with that irritating giggle of hers. “Oh… and who’s this? New fuck toy?” she asked inquisitively as her eyes finally landed on Jaden.