Page 124 of Spark

“I’m wearing white, so it’s obviously not a wedding. That is not a question!” I blurted quickly. Darren just laughed.

“Retirement party?”

“No. Last chance.”

I groaned aloud now, and Darren laughed at my frustration. I had one question left, and it had to be my golden ticket to sitting behind the wheel of this beautiful beast.

It couldn’t be a baby shower; men didn’t attend those and women didn’t wear white to bridal showers either, another event men didn’t normally attend. Maybe it was a man’s event? I was obviously there to look good, maybe even distracting? I had only one conclusion for that.

“All right,” I said, blowing a strand of loose hair out of my face in exasperation. “How about a poker tournament?”

“Is that your final question?” Darren asked.

I huffed again, my arms folded over my chest as I glared at him. “Yes,” I bit out.

“I’m really going to enjoy that mouth of yours on me later tonight,” he affirmed arrogantly.

Son of a bitch!

I groaned out loud, but Darren just laughed.

“You played well, Jaden, but the odds were never in your favor.”

“Why would you say that?”

“Because I know how to tip the scale in my favor before you can even comprehend what you’re agreeing to. I am not easy to beat.”

I scoffed, nudging further into my seat. “I could beat you at plenty of things.”

“I doubt it.”

I turned and scowled at him. “Don’t be so cocky. I have a feeling I’d have quite the advantage in a game of Limbo.”

Darren full on laughed, and I found myself grunting with frustration.

“We’re here,” Darren announced a few minutes later. I turned my head from my sulking position to look out the window and noticed we had turned onto a private road. Passing through a black gate, expensive cars lined the side of the road while young men in obvious valet uniforms jogged to the front. When Darren finally pulled up to the house, my door was immediately opened, and I stepped out to eye the gorgeous mansion in front of us.

Just as Darren was rounding the hood of the car, my eyes locked on a very professional and extravagant looking sign that read: “In Welcoming of the Birth of Baby Ella Davis. Congratulations to Daniel and Katherine Davis.”

My jaw dropped so fast I felt it crack.

“A baby shower? You brought me to a frickin’ baby shower?” I said incredulously.

“Keep your voice down,” Darren admonished sternly, pulling me to the side while more cars pulled in.

“Why didn’t you tell me this was where we were going?”

“You said you wanted to guess,” Darren said nonchalantly.

It felt like my eyes were going to bulge out of my head.

“I had ruled showers out of my head since men don’t typically attend them.”

“A fair assumption, but in this family, every achievement is celebrated by both women and men.”

“So you thought you’d just blindside me then?”

“You would have complained the entire ride here, and I didn’t feel like pulling over every five minutes to shut you up.”