Page 111 of Spark

Over and over, Darren drilled into me, and it took all my inner strength to ignore the pleasure building up inside me. Instead, I chose to focus on the pain, the burning sting in my back, ass, and the ache in my forearm as Darren pushed me deeper into the bed. The harder I focused, the more agonizing it became.

When he finally finished pumping the last of himself inside me, he held my hips tight against his pelvis so I could feel every drop of him filling me up. Lowering himself to my face, his index finger slipped under my collar and pulled me forward.

“Who do you belong to, Jaden?”

As if I could ever forget.

“You,” I answered automatically.

It was as if he couldn’t disengage until I spoke the magic password to release him from me. It was infuriating that he needed reassurance as often as he did, and I had no choice but to give him that to pacify his need to brainwash me. Let him think I believed it. It would only serve me better in the long run.

When he was satisfied, he pulled away from me and headed into the bathroom only to return a few minutes later. I’d allowed myself to move from my position just to curl into myself and hide. My pussy was on fire with need while the fire in my back and ass did nothing to distract me.

Darren then returned to the bed to pick up his belt and lace it back through the loops of his jeans.

“You’re not to leave the bedroom until I say otherwise. There are two new guards outside the door and more patrolling outside. I don’t even want to see you staring out the windows, do you understand me?”

“Yes, Darren,” I whispered, my eyes staring dead ahead.

Once adjusted, he lowered himself to me, taking my face in his hand and bringing my eyes to his. His grip was painful, forcing me to wince at the pressure on my jaw.

“You are never to put yourself in danger like that again, do you hear me? Or I will lock you away for the rest of your life. Got it?”

“Yes, Darren,” I whispered.

“Good girl,” he said and kissed me deeply.

When he was finished, he righted himself and grabbed his coat.

“And if I find out you touched yourself in any way to get a release, you’ll wish you hadn’t. Don’t make that mistake,” he threatened and walked out of the room, slamming the door behind him.

Laying in our pool of sex, I felt wretched and ruined. Finding strength, I pushed myself up and took a long oatmeal bath, hoping to soothe the pain in my back and rid myself of Darren’s torture. I made sure to keep my gauze-covered arm out of the water as best I could.

When I was done, I changed into a long sweater and thigh-high socks and curled up on the couch, facing away from the window and toward the blazing fireplace. And that was where I sulked for the rest of the night, ignoring my dinner on the table and dreaming of better times when I wasn’t an idiot and loving my life. I didn’t understand myself.

As I thought about it, I realized that I had actually broken out with the intention of the consequences costing Romero and Alex’s life. I’d wanted them to die, and put that plan into action without even thinking twice. The reality of Darren’s theory about me was quickly becoming true, and it was scaring the shit out of me. I was becoming a bloodthirsty little fiend.

I hadn’t cared when Benito was killed, and now, I cared even less that Romero and Alex were barely breathing. But why should I care? They work for a scumbag piece of shit who sells girls, drugs, and weapons for money. And if I wanted to take down his empire, that meant everyone he employed, including the people hired to “protect” me.

By the time it was all over, I’d probably have more blood on my hands than Darren did. The more guards I could get him to kill, the better my chances could be at getting his people to turn on him. I couldn’t afford to give a shit about them. Whether they were nice or total assholes, they all had to die. Every last one of them.

Three down. A thousand more to go.

* * *

It had been two days before I was finally allowed out of our bedroom. It didn’t take long before I fell into another state of depression, but Darren didn’t care much. He knew once I was allowed out again, I’d bounce back like usual. That didn’t mean my mood didn’t irritate him in the meantime. I spent my time either listening to music and building card houses or playing hacky sack, reading on my tablet, or sulking on the couch.

If I didn’t finish my plate, Darren would barge in and force me to sit on his lap again until the remainder was gone. When I didn’t eat fast enough, I tried to argue that I couldn’t eat when I was upset, but Darren concluded that was my own fault and not his problem. So when I threw it up some fifteen minutes later after he left, I tried to keep it as discreet as possible. Eating was painful. With so many knots churning away inside my stomach, there wasn’t much room for anything else, so I ate as slowly as I could to keep it down. I knew I needed to keep my strength up, but I was once again tired of being strong all the time. It was exhausting.

It helped that I rarely had to see Darren until the late hours of the night, usually when I was trying to fall asleep and failing, and he was just finally coming in for the night. I never knew what he was doing or if he was even still in the cabin during the day, but it wasn’t my place to question him. I’d learned that much. Even though he was still pissed, he didn’t hesitate to drag me over to his side of the bed so he could fuck me before wrapping himself around me until we fell asleep. With his sour mood, I felt like I had completely ruined everything. He had put this whole thing together for me and I fucking ruined it by almost getting myself killed by a pack of wolves.

I tried my best to be as passive as possible, but I wasn’t exactly forthcoming with excitement either. I was a bored house cat waiting to be let out of the house so I could hunt some shit.

On the second day, shortly after my lunch, Camaro had been released suddenly into the bedroom. I’d asked Darren what had been done with her, but all he said was that I needed some alone time to get my priorities straight. I’d been laying on the couch, listening to music when she ran up and started licking my face. I almost felt a little better then, but it only meant she was trapped here with me. We played games that I barely enjoyed as I tried to keep her entertained, doing my best to potty-train her to use the puppy pads until I could take her outside again.

Having a puppy was actually a lot more exhausting than I thought it was going to be. Camaro kept me busy most of the time with her attention neediness, and when she did finally hunker down to sleep on my lap or at my legs, I couldn’t help but follow suit.

Darren was still checking my bite wound, redressing it every day with fresh gauze and making sure I took my antibiotics. I wasn’t allowed pain meds anymore, though—another part of my punishment. It seemed to be healing, and the stitches were holding up fine, but I had a feeling the bite was going to scar, and Darren was not happy about that.