I shook my head carefully. “I’ll need the entire bottle for that.”
“You’ll dance with me then,” he stated and then stood.
“Wait, what?” But Darren had already gripped my hand and pulled me from my chair.
Leading me away from the table, he stopped us in the center of the room, took my hand in his, and placed the other on his shoulder. Holding me close, his other hand on my lower back, he began to move us across the floor. The soft jazz of the Christmas music continued to play in the background, and I found myself dazed and confused. Darren moved well to the music, gently twirling me every now and then, and it just felt effortless to move with him. Naturally, he led well, and I was coordinated enough to follow without issue even with my drunkenness. It was actually… nice.
There was no violence, no animosity, maybe a little confusion and surprise, but in reality, we were just two people dancing to the sound of a soothing piano trio. It made me feel warm and airy inside, and every now and then after a twirl, I’d catch myself smiling like a drunken fool… and it pissed me off. But the alcohol running through my blood had a magical way of suppressing my fear of Darren, and I wanted that feeling to last. I didn’t want to be afraid anymore. I wanted to be confident in my ability to stand up to Darren, and maybe if I could amuse him with it, he might just appreciate my bravery.
I knew he didn’t want someone passive or robotic so I would have to figure out how to keep him amused, stay unpredictable, and remind him that I was not someone you could fuck with and forget. He wanted himself embedded in my mind? Bitch, not before me.
When the song ended, Darren dipped me, pulling my leg up and holding me up for what felt like several seconds as he looked into my eyes. That possessive look of his was back, but it was softer this time, almost loving. I didn’t want to be looked at like that anymore, so I tilted my mouth up and kissed him. He fell into the kiss immediately, clutching me tighter as he pressed his lips to mine. It only took him a second before he lifted me up into his arms, never once breaking the kiss and carrying me off to the stairs. He didn’t even need to break away from me once as he took each step, but I couldn’t help but wrap my arms around his neck for better positioning.
When we got back to the bedroom and Darren set me down to stand, I decided I knew exactly what I wanted to do.
I wanted to give Darren his Christmas present. No. I wanted him to beg for it.
Before we even got to the bed, I turned in Darren’s hold, pushed up as far as my toes could go to kiss him again while he began to unravel his tie, but I gripped it in my fist before he could and pulled him back with me.
“What are you doing?” he asked, his voice sultry with lust.
“Whatever I want,” I dared, kissing him more, my tongue pushing itself into his mouth of its own volition.
Darren’s hands instantly gripped my hips and pulled me up to straddle him as he took us to the bed. He was already pulling at the zipper on my dress, and I followed suit, nearly ripping the buttons apart on his shirt. Sitting on the edge of the bed, Darren pulled me from his hips and set me to stand between his spread knees.
“Take off your dress,” he ordered, his breathing becoming heavier with lust. “For once, I don’t want to rip this one.”
I returned his request with a smirk and turned on my heels to begin pulling the straps of my already unzipped dress slowly down my arms. I arched my back just a bit to give Darren a better view of my ass before sliding the rest of the dress down to pool at my feet. Lacing my hands through my hair, I turned to face him, but the gaze he gave me nearly knocked me off my feet. I had him hooked completely.
“Fuck,” he murmured, his eyes slowly glancing up and down my body.
“I take it you’re pleased with your Christmas present?”
The alcohol was making me so brave, so confident, and I loved it. I loved not giving a damn about what I was about to do because sober me would feel very guilty.
“Good,” I said and nearly launched myself at him.
I’d never fucked Darren so hard in my life. I gave him all of my pleasure and did everything I could to tease and please. I sucked him off to the point of near combustion, but he’d pulled out, wanting only to come inside me. And when I fought for the top spot, not once did I make him regret it. For once, I was the one who rocked his world. I made him moan. I made him writhe. I made him come like there was no tomorrow; and the power that soared through my veins from that alone was all I needed to get myself off, even though Darren still wanted a say in it. I reminded him that he might be the dealer holding all of the cards, but I was not a normal player—even the dealer could get served every once in a while.
I’d managed to catch a small glimpse of Camaro every now and then as she remained fast asleep in her crate. I had no idea how she’d slept through all the noise, but she had. And thank God for that. A whining puppy would have ruined it.
I fell asleep on Darren’s chest that night far more satisfied than I had ever been, especially because five minutes after I finished fucking his brains out, he fell asleep while still buried deep inside me. I had no choice but to lay there until he eventually rolled over to pull me on top of him. After exhausting myself as Darren’s Christmas present, I snuggled deeper into his side, wrapping my arm around his torso until I melted enough to pass right the eff out.
* * *
I felt warm, warmer than I’d ever felt before. And I knew exactly where that warmth was coming from. I opened my eyes to find Jaden’s sleeping form draped across my chest. My nose was resting against her hair, allowing me to inhale the soft floral scent I loved so much. She felt so good against me, so perfect, like a puzzle piece that was always supposed to be there. And she was one hell of a puzzle.
Last night had been a complete surprise, and I wasn’t one for those. I honestly didn’t know what was more surprising—the fact that Jaden had taken control or the fact that I had let her. In truth, I was curious to see what she’d do. Booze always seemed to be Jaden’s liquid courage, though it certainly had its backlashes when it disintegrated the filter in her mouth. But her smart mouth was worth the bridge we crossed last night.
Jaden had opened up far more than anticipated. It was clear she was made for leadership roles, which made it more evident as to why she wasn’t very good at doing what she was told. She liked to be in charge, and fuck if she wasn’t good at it. I liked that she could stand up to me, but there were still times when she needed to remember her place. And the bedroom was likely the only place I’d allow such deviation.
Jaden stirred in her sleep, sucking in a breath before snuggling deeper into me. I’d never seen something that could be so adorable, fierce, and sexy all in the same package. She was everything I wanted and more, and she was finally coming around. Getting her to admit her desire had been a struggle, but now that she accepted it, we were one step closer to the emotional desire. In time, it would come; I just needed to be patient.