Page 64 of Omega Stained

The moment we've been waiting for.

I glance over to Maddox, who's standing at the helm of the boat, his jaw set in a determined line. He's a wild card, that's for sure, but we need him. Without him, we wouldn't have been able to get this far.

And I have to trust that Kendra really is the insurance we need to make this happen--that Maddox is more interested in protecting her than anything else.

As we near the shore, I see the familiar neon lights of Solstice Bay's downtown district. The place is a cesspool of crime and debauchery, but it's also where we'll find ACB HQ.

I turn to my team, the Enclave soldiers who have become my family over the years. They're all equipped with the latest weapons and gear, ready to take down any ACB agents that cross our path. Kendra is here with us, decked out in tactical gear and carrying a weapon, Zane at her shoulder.

"Alright, people," I say, addressing my team. "This is it. We're going to hit their HQ hard and fast, and we're going to go in and capture Ramsey. The goal is to put pressure on him to call an electionright away--and to install one of our allies as the new head of government. By the time the day is over...Solstice Bay will be on its way to democracy for the first time in decades."

The others nod. There's not much to say; I'm sure they're all getting sick of my inspiration speeches. But that's what I'm good at, and I just want to ensure our success...

...and hide the fact that I'm fucking terrified.

We dock the boats at a hidden inlet and make our way through the dark, foggy streets. Our intel tells us that the ACB's headquarters is in a supposedly abandoned building, that they've hidden themselves away from us because theyknowhow close we are to success. Their new boss--newbecause we killed the old one months ago--is holed up there, and he'll have hostages.

We'll have to be careful.

We don't want any omegas to die in this process.

As we approach, I can feel the tension building between my shoulder blades. This is it; there's no turning back now.

Maddox leads the way, his eyes scanning the area for any ACB agents. I stay close to him with Zane and Kendra, our pack sticking together. We're going to be the tip of the spear here, and I'm so scared our little family is already going to be broken apart.

"Are we close?" I whisper to Maddox.

"Yeah," he says. "Unless they've moved...which I hope to fucking God they haven't."

"And what if they have?" Zane asks.

"Then we go back to the drawing board," I say.

"We won't have to," Kendra adds. "I know we're getting this done today."

Somewhere else in the city, an explosion goes off...then another. That will be our satellite times, working hard to provide a distraction while we take on Ramsey.

"It's here," Maddox says, gesturing at a door. "Let's do this." We move in silence, our steps as light as possible as we get into position to burst in. The building is a tall, abandoned warehouse on the outskirts of the city. The windows are boarded up, and the door is rusted shut.

But Maddox seems confident...and I'm starting to really trust Maddox.

Not just because of Kendra, but because I'm certain our priorities are aligned.

Maddox pulls out a keycard and scans it at the door, but it doesn't budge. I glance over to Kendra and Zane, who are watching our backs. They're both nervous, but determined. They know what's at stake.

"Shit," Maddox curses. "They've locked me out...and there's a good chance they flagged my pass."

"Why?" Kendra asks.

"My partner suspected I was about to switch sides," he growls. "I guess they confirmed it when you and I escaped to the Raft."

"Your partner?"

As if on cue, a voice flickers over the intercom by the door.

"Well, hi there, Maddox," a man's voice says. "Fancy meeting you here."

Maddox grimaces, but stays in character, the rest of us concealed in the shadows. "What the hell, Barnes?" he says. "You gonna let me in or what? I have valuable information about the Enclave."