Page 67 of Omega Stained

"This could mean all-out war in the city," Carson mutters. "Shit..."

I take a step back and look at the console where Ramsey was sitting when we came in, where his desk chair is on its side with the wheels still rolling. There are controls here for the emergency broadcast system--a way to send a message to each and every person in the city, on their cell phones, on the loudspeakers all over Solstice Bay. I'm sure Carson intends on using it for some motivational speech, but I have a better idea.

I grab the chair and sit down, then I pull up the emergency broadcast commands. Carson is so distracted with Ramsey's corpse--and arguing with Jack--that Zane is the only one who sees me. I meet his eyes, and he seems to realize what he's doing just before he nods.

I pick up the microphone and speak into it, dictating a message to send as text as well as broadcasting all over the city.

"Omegas of Solstice Bay," I announce. "This is Eve."

Carson turns around slowly and stares at me, eyes wide. Jack gives me a surprised smirk, huffing out a silent laugh.

And Zane...his eyes are shining with pride.

"Wherever you are," I continue. "Whatever you're've probably noticed the chaos breaking out all over the city. The Enclave is finally acting to overthrow the ACB, and we need your help."

"Kendra--" Carson starts, taking a step forward--but Jack puts his hand on the revolutionary's chest.

"Let her do it," Jack mutters.

"Open your doors and find weapons if you can," I continue. "Or hide if you need to. You've been told your whole life that you're too weak to fight, but...I believe in you. You arestrong. And wherever you are, Enclave fighters are en route to help you."

I pause for a moment, taking a deep breath before continuing. "We will not let the ACB take this city. We will not let them take our freedom. This is our home, and we will fight for it. So join us, Omegas of Solstice Bay. We need you now more than ever."

I cut the transmission, feeling a surge of adrenaline coursing through my veins. Carson and Jack are both staring at me, but for once, I don't care. I know what I've done, and I know that it's the right thing to do.

"We need to move," I say, standing up from the chair. "The ACB will be coming for us soon."

"Right," Carson nods, his expression still stunned. "Let's go, everyone."

I feel a hand on my shoulder, and I whip around to find that it's one of the omegas Ramsey had captive. She holds a gun in her hands, her grip steady as she nods at me.

"I'm with you," she says.

I swallow hard. "What's your name?"

"Naomi," she replies. "And you're Eve?"

"No," I say, giving her a sad smile. "I'm just Kendra. We'reallEve."

We quickly make our way out of the base, but as we step into the bright sunlight, I can feel the weight of the world on my shoulders. The fate of the city now rests on us, and I can't help but wonder if I'm truly ready for it. But then I look at the faces of the people around me, the ones who have been oppressed and silenced for so long, and I know that I will do everything in my power to fight for them.

As we move through the streets, I can see the fear and uncertainty in people's eyes, but I can also see a glimmer of hope. They're starting to believe that they can make a difference, that they can stand up against the ACB and fight for their freedom.

And that's all we need to start a revolution.



WewatchtheACB'sstrongholds fall like dominoes from the safety of an Enclave safehouse.

After we took their HQ--and killed Ramsey--we left to regroup with the others, taking out as many ACB agents as we could along the way. Their hold has been loosening on the city for months, ever since Kendra's friends started working with the Enclave, but this was the extra push we needed.

They never expected the ACB to be taken down by three little omegas...but here we are.

It's quiet in the safehouse, everyone watching the screens with bated breath. We're on the edge of a complete overhaul of our society...and it feels unreal. What makes it even stranger is thatmy mateis responsible; she did this.
