Page 66 of Omega Stained

Ramsey just chuckles. "Oh, I know exactly why you're here, Carson Connolly. I've heard a lot about you...and Agent Maddox brought you right to me."

I don't bother looking back at him. It's a lie; ithas to be. This was always about Kendra, not me...

"Don't play games, Ramsey," Maddox mutters. "They know who I am and what I stand for."

"And what's that?" Ramsey says.

Maddox grins. "A fucking psychopath," he says.

Then he leaps forward.

It's enough to distract the agents with their guns on the hostages, and Kendra is the next one to act. She sprints toward the agents and jumps on one of them, stabbing him in the neck with the kind of brutality that shocked me--and reminds me she had to kill her own father to escape the ACB in the first place.

I open fire on the other agents, taking out two of them before they even have a chance to react. Zane is right behind me, his movements fluid and precise as he takes out the remaining agent. Maddox is grappling with Ramsey, and I can see the sweat on his forehead as he tries to gain the upper hand.

I run over to the omegas, quickly checking to make sure they're okay along with Kendra. They're all shaking, but unharmed. I let out a sigh of relief and then turn back to see Maddox pinning Ramsey to the ground, his gun trained on him.

"Give it up, Ramsey," Maddox growls. "It's over."

Ramsey doesn't answer, just glares up at Maddox with a look of pure hatred. I can see it in his eyes--he's not going down without a fight. But then, suddenly, an alarm sounds from the computer in front of him...then more.

Gunshots ring out elsewhere in the base, too.

I look to the wall to my left and see a map of Solstice Bay, green lights turning to red everywhere there's an ACB base. Those are our Enclave forces, taking the city over one base at a time.

"What the hell?" Ramsey says. " did you do this?"

Maddox digs his gun into Ramsey's jaw. "How do you think? Keep people down long enough, and they fight back."

Kendra comes to stand over him, looking over Maddox's shoulder. "That's right," she says. "You pushed us too hard."

His eyes widen in recognition. I don't think he's met Kendra before...but he's seen her face. Everyone in the ACB has.

"You fucking omegas, thinking you can run the world," he snarls. "You'll doom us all."

"No," Kendra says, her eyes darting over to the former ACB agent. "You're the only one here that's doomed. Jack, kill him."

And before I can do anything to stop them, Maddox pulls the trigger.



TheminutesafterIorder Jack to kill the leader of the ACB are chaotic.

The silence lasts for a few seconds...then one of the girls screams and starts to sob--not because she's sad, I think, but because she's panicking. The view isn't pretty, Ramsey's eyes open as he bleeds out on the floor.

Jack stands up from where he had squatted over Ramsey, looking over at me. "It's done," he says.

I know.

It gives me the same sensation as I got when I killed my father...this feeling that the world is better off.

"Kendra, what the fuck?" Carson asks as he strides forward. "He was our leverage...shit,shit--"

"I'm sorry," I gasp out as he comes and takes my shoulder. "I didn't think, it just happened. I couldn't take him talking like that."

"You really think the ACB gives a shit about one man?" Jack scoffs. "Cut off one head, they just grow another. I thought that was the whole point of attacking every base at once."