Page 60 of Omega Stained

I'm gonna make sure she never wants for anything, that she's safe in a worldwithoutthe ACB.

My knot stays inside her as I take her into my arms and roll us to the side, my lips at the mark on her breast that I left there in the brig. Maybe that was a mistake...but now I'm here, and it's like all the things I've done suddenly make sense.

"You're mine, Kendra," I whisper.

"I'm yours, Jack," she whispers back. "But have to share..."

She laughs as Zane props her head up on his knee, as Carson comes in to curl up behind her. I don't want to share--I want to keep her to myself forever--but I can't deny that I like the idea of these strong alphas protecting her alongside me.

That's the point of a pack, I guess.

To make sure the woman we love is never in danger.

She's the future of Solstice Bay--and if I have to protect her with Zane Stone and Carson Connolly, that's what I'll do.



Ican'tbelieveIget to be in the room where it happens--the room where we make our final plans on the ACB.

The stage is set for a revolution; we have the blueprints to ACB HQ, the location of their weapons caches, a man on the inside. There are Enclave agents waiting all over the city to bring about the end of the ACB's authoritarian rule.

We gather together around a central table as the sun sets over the Raft--my pack, Jade's, and Olivia's, and the rest of the Enclave's leadership. Somehow, we ended up with a group of the most important people in the Enclave...and that includes us. Thethree of us, who escaped our father's shadows and came out stronger on the other side.

I come to stand with Olivia and Jade and squeeze their hands as Carson calls everyone to order, standing tall at the head of the table and looking at the map. Zane is at one of my shoulders, Maddox at the other--Maddox still looking worse for wear, but better than he did before.

"Hey..." Olivia says with a sly smile. "You're looking a bit more packed up than you were last time I saw you."

I give her a sheepish grin and a shrug. "Yeah; I guess that happens when you join the Enclave."

Carson clears his throat, drawing our attention back to the table. "Alright, everyone. Let's get started. We have a lot to cover tonight." He looks around the room, his gaze landing on each of us in turn. "As you all know, tomorrow is the day we take down the ACB once and for all."

There's a moment of silence as the weight of his words sinks in. This is it. The moment we've been working towards for months. The moment that will determine the course of history.

Carson continues, his voice steady. "We've got the element of surprise on our side. We know the layout of their headquarters, and we know where they keep their weapons. But make no mistake--this won't be easy. The ACB is a well-oiled machine, and they will fight back with everything they have."

He pauses, looking around the room again. "But we have something they don't. We have each other. Families, loved ones. They treat their omegas like objects...but that makesouromegas our greatest weapon."

He points to the map, indicating the areas where the ACB's weapons caches are located. "We know that they have weapons stored here, here, and here. Our plan is to hit all three locations simultaneously."

Everyone nods in agreement, and I can feel the anticipation building in the room. Zane leans in closer to me, his voice low. "Are you ready for this?"

I look up at him, feeling a mix of excitement and fear. "As ready as I'll ever be."

Jade chimes in, her hand squeezing mine. "We've come too far to back down now."

Carson claps his hands, drawing our attention back to the table. "Alright, let's go over the details. We'll split into teams and coordinate our attacks. We'll have to move quickly and efficiently to make sure we hit all three locations before the ACB can mobilize their forces."

As he speaks, my mind races with the possibilities and the risks. We could lose people. We could fail.

I look between Zane, Carson, and Jack, not wanting to lose them when I just found them. Jack's lips curl at me looking at him, and he reaches out to squeeze my shoulder. He spent his whole life in the ACB, but he's given up everything to be with us.

That cements it for me.

We have to try.

We have to fight for the future we want.