Page 57 of Omega Stained

"Hey...okay," I nod. "Are you saying you're gonna shower with me, pretty boy?"

Zane growls under his breath. "Don't push it."

"Look, Maddox," Carson says. "I'm letting you into my living space--to shower, to rest. I'm letting you free inmy territory. I'm not killing you even though you took liberties with my mate. So you need to keep a lid on it."

"But Kendra likes it when I'm feisty, don't you sweetheart?" I ask.

She rolls her eyes. "Keep it up and you're getting a knife in your other leg."

"That won't be necessary," Zane cuts in. "If he leaves you alone, I'll let him live. But shit needs to stop, and if he steps outta line, I'll make sure he never wants to step outta line again."

Kendra sighs. "Could you two just--"

"Because I don't want to kill you, Maddox," Zane cuts in. "But I will. Step outta line, and you're dead. Do I make myself clear?"

I glower at him for a moment, but I know he's not kidding. So I nod, admitting that he's right. I've had my fun. And whether he likes it or not, Kendra is mine for good.

That bite mark won't just go away...and she doesn't want it to.

"So I guess we're all pack now, huh?" I ask. "You two think you can learn to tolerate me?"

Carson huffs out a laugh. "You haven't exactly given us a reason to."

He strides ahead to push a door open in front of us, and Kendra and Zane both help me through the door. The room is nice for a ship bunk--clearly a former space for crew quarters, now cleared out for a single person. There's a huge bed in the corner, posters of a few punk bands on the wall and a record player in the opposite corner, a big Enclave flag with the tattoo symbol on it. Carson takes over from there, grabbing my arm and helping me limp toward the bathroom.

"I'll be right out here," he says. "And before you try anything...there's no way out of there except through this door. Shower, then come out--I'll get you a change of clothes."

"Gee, thanks," I tell him. "That almost makes up for the torture."

"You had it coming," Zane grumbles from behind me.

I snort and shut myself in the bathroom, then turn the shower on as I hobble in. The water heats up right away, steam filling the room. I don't bother looking for a weapon; I don't want one.

I'm seriously not trying to escape, even if they don't believe me.

I take off my bloodied, tattered clothes and get under the water, letting it course over my skin even though it hurts. The water runs pink for a while as the blood is rinsed off, my stitches burning. It feels good...

...and then I hear a sound.

A moan.

Over the thick steam, over the scent of soap...I smell sex. I would know Kendra's pleasure anywhere, and it sends a rush of blood straight to my cock.

They're fucking her out there right now.

With me in here.

No fair.

I make sure I'm thoroughly cleaned up, then I grab a towel and dry off my hair. I'm already feeling better with the meds and treatment, even if I still have a limp and a black eye--and I wrap the towel around my waist, suddenly fucking bashful about getting naked in front of other alphas. I only have eyes for Kendra...but these guys are all about sharing.

I have to share her if I want her.

And because they claimed her first, I'll have to pay my dues to be with her.

I can hear the sounds of their lovemaking through the door, Kendra not remotely shy about making sure everyone can hear her. I put my hand on the door handle and turn it, opening the door slowly...

...and I nearly come right there when I see the scene in front of me.