Page 56 of Omega Stained

I'm not brave.

I'm just a fool in love with the woman who has to beat the odds for us.

She steps away from me and looks over at Carson, who's down on the floor with Maddox. "Get him up and take him to med bay?" she asks. "I don't think I hit any major arteries...but I don't want him to bleed out, and he's already wounded."

"Good to know you care," Maddox croaks.

Others are coming in now, too--Rafe is with them, and he doesn't seem nearly as willing as Kendra is to treat Maddox like a person. "He's ACB," Rafe says. "We should--"

"What she says goes," Carson interrupts.

The two men stand off for a second--the two leaders of the Enclave. They've always had different leadership styles, and I know that Rafe would sooner throw Maddox overboard than let him live...but then Carson shows him the papers.

Rafe's eyes widen.

"Well, shit," he says. "You got all this out of him?"

"No," Carson says, jerking his head back at Kendra. "She did. Which is why we're bringing her into the op."

"We're going ahead with it?" Rafe asks.

"Too right we are," Carson replies. "We're gonna hit the ACB next week. They're hosting a meeting with all the other agencies in town, so it'll be the best chance we ever have to hit them. We'll go in as one pack and take them down with force."

Kendra nods. "And I'm coming, too. Which is the insurance you need, because Maddox wouldn't put me in danger--would you, Jack?"

"Fuck no," Maddox says. "I don't like it...but the information is legit. I wouldn't hurt Kendra."

Rafe studies her for a second, and then he nods. "All right," he says. "But if anything goes wrong, Jade will kill me."

"We're all going to make it out of this," Kendra says. "There's a better world on the other side...for Jade."

Rafe pales slightly, and I know he's thinking about the secret that only a few of us know: that Jade, his mate, is pregnant. He has more riding on this operation than any of us, because his pack is more vulnerable.

Kendra is going to protect Jade...and I'm going to protect Kendra.

No matter what happens, I'll be by her side til the end.



Theybeattheeverlovinghell out of me, but I'm still here...and Kendra's mine.

I've never experienced anything quite like what it felt like to have her riding me, her sweet cunt squeezing the life out of me. It's the one thing that gets me through the next few hours of stitches, scalpels, and syringes...and of course, seeing her gorgeous face on the other side of it.

She's not smiling--not yet--but one day, I'll be able to make her smile.

When this is all over and I've found absolution for my days with the ACB.

I'm feeling a little less like a punching bag by the time I'm released from the med bay, and Kendra, Zane, and Carson are waiting for me. Kendra lets me put my arm around her for support and I resist the urge to wink and smirk at Zane, who seems just as pissed off as he did when he was beating the shit out of me.

Not that it's easy to wink when my eye is still swollen as hell.

"So where are we off to?" I ask. "I assume you're not letting me go or throwing me in the ocean."

"You need a shower," Kendra mutters. "You stink."

"And you'll stay with at least one of us at all times while you're on the Rig," Carson adds. "If you don't want Rafe to kill you on the'll behave."