Page 49 of Omega Stained

Even as I say the words, I know this isn't gonna be easy. Zane won't want her getting close to him; Rafe is ready to murder the guy. But we need that information...

...and I know Kendra trusts him.

I don't knowwhy, but I know she's smart, and I can't doubt her when it comes to all our survival.

"I'll talk to her--and to everyone else," I tell him. "I'll see what I can do. Then...if you give her the information, we might be able to work something out."

"That's all I'm asking for," Maddox says, watching me stand up. "You know where to find me."

I laugh. "Yeah...and I'll tell Rafe not to beat the shit out of you again."

"Wow, thanks," Maddox mutters. "See you around, Connolly."

I step out of the cell and find Rafe standing in the same place he was before, his eyebrow raised. "That sounded downright cordial," he says. "You sure about this?"

I shake my head. "Of course not...but time is of the essence. And of course I'm worried about Kendra, but she's tough. We have to trust her judgement."

"If you say so," Rafe says. "But I'll be ready to throw him overboard just in case."



Thesexwasnice,but I can't stop thinking about Maddox.

Okay...the sex was more than nice. The sex wasincredible. I'm covered in bite marks when I wake up, and I wear them like medals, proud of my two incredible mates.

Zane, my steadfast protector.

Carson, the revolutionary.

But it seems like something is still missing...a puzzle piece out of place.

Jack Maddox.

Where Carson is the angel on my shoulder, Jack is the devil, and I know I have to talk to him...and that in some twisted way, we belong together.

All four of us.

No matter how much Zane hates it.

I've got plenty of energy after I wake up in Carson's room, well-rested and wrapped in Zane's arms. He's watching me with those soft brown eyes, making me feel safe. It's a nice reprieve from the stress of the past few days, when I was stuck with Jack and worried I would never see Zane again.

"Hi," I whisper.

"Hi," Zane replies, stroking my hair.

"Where's Carson?"

Zane sighs, shutting his eyes. "He went to go talk to that ACB fucker," he mutters.

"Jack?" I ask.

Zane's eyes open, dark with anger. "I didn't realize you were on a first-name basis."

I bite my lip. "Zane...I know he hurt you and took me away from you. But he was right to do it--they could have caught us if we hadn't split up."

"I was so fucking worried, Kendra," he murmurs. "Damn near crazy with worry. I was so scared that I'd lost you."