“Let’s make one thing clear, Scarlett. I wouldn’t be with you if you weren’t blackmailing me. This relationship was built on manipulation, not love. Going out on a date won’t fix what’s broken between us. It won’t change the fact that we’ve hurt each other beyond repair.”

Scarlett’s face contorted with a mixture of hurt and frustration. “So, you’re just giving up?”

“Give me all the copies of the pictures and videos you’ve got, then.”

“Without it, you’ll have nothing to do with me. I know you. You don’t forgive a mistake.”

Roman’s grip on the steering wheel tightened, his knuckles turning white. “Exactly. It’s not just one mistake, Scarlett. It’s a culmination of lies, deceit, and manipulation.”

Roman’s gaze softened briefly as he glanced at Scarlett, a flicker of sadness in his eyes. “Scarlett, maybe it’s time we face the truth. We were never meant to be together. Our relationship is built on superficiality and convenience, not on love and genuine connection. You knew exactly what you were getting into. Once upon a time, Scarlett, you were my forever. But now, I realize that you were just a part of my past, a long-gone chapter of my life. I regret ever getting involved with you.”

Scarlett’s breath hitched, the words cutting through her like a knife. “I’ve changed, Scarlett. I’ve grown, learned from my mistakes, and I’ve refused to let the shadows of my past consume me any longer. I guess my past is not quite over, seeing as you’re here with me and I hate that you are a reminder of the person I used to be.”

Tears streamed down Scarlett’s face as the weight of Roman’s words settled upon her. She had always believed that their connection was genuine, that their love could withstand any storm. But now, faced with the cold reality of their shattered relationship, she felt the sting of his rejection pierce her heart.

“Roman, I...” Scarlett’s voice trailed off; her words caught in the knot of emotions that swelled within her. She had no retort, no defense to offer.

“Just consider–”

“Oh, will you just shut it!” Roman exploded, speeding up.

“Okay, I want to get out. Now!”

Roman pressed the brake, bringing the car suddenly to a stop.

“If you want to get out of this car, be my guest,” he seethed.

Scarlett’s breath caught in her throat, her heart pounding in her chest. With a shaky hand, she reached for the door handle, her voice trembling as she spoke. “Gladly,” she said. Scarlett stepped out, her eyes locked with Roman’s. Without a word, she removed her high heels, put her purse under her arm, and walked away slowly. The road was emptied except for the occasional car. He watched her stop a taxi. He leaned over to close his car door with a definitive thud, and with a heavy sigh, Roman put the car in drive.

He knew Scarlett well enough to know it was only a matter of time before those pictures leaked to the public. He pulled over to a quiet spot and dialed his lawyer’s number, his hand clammy as he waited for Michael to pick up. After a few rings, the familiar voice of his lawyer filled his ear.

“Roman, my boy! You’re making waves with all these contracts coming in. The company’s doing great.”

“Yeah, yeah, sure,” he said

“But how are you holding up?” Michael’s voice was one of concern.

Roman sighed heavily. “I appreciate the success, Michael, but obviously, I’m not in a great place. The talk with Olivia about the breakup didn’t go well. It’s a mess. And anytime from now, Scarlett could compromise me. I don’t know how much longer I can handle this, Michael. Scarlett is relentless, and she’s holding those pictures and videos over my head. I need a way to sever ties with her without risking everything I’ve built.”

There was a brief pause on the other end of the line before Michael responded. “I’m sorry to hear that, Roman. Breakups are never easy.”

Roman’s shoulders slumped, and he leaned back in his seat.

“Roman, my friend, I apologize for all that you’ve been through. I have to admit, I played a part in pushing you towards Scarlett, thinking it would protect your hard work and success. I never wanted to see everything you’ve built go to waste, but seeing as all this is happening to you, I didn’t know you liked her that much. I thought it was like the other women in your life,” Michael said.

Roman let out a tired sigh. “Michael, I appreciate your honesty. Olivia is not just some woman, I realized that some time ago, but it was ultimately my choice. I let myself get tangled in this mess. I’m tired, and I need a way out of this blackmail situation.”

There was a moment of silence on the other end before Michael responded. “You’re right, Roman. It was your choice, but I should have advised you better. I’m sorry about that. Now, let’s focus on finding a way to untangle this web. I’ll find a legal loophole, a way to break free from Scarlett’s hold on you.”

Roman nodded, even though Michael couldn’t see him. “I trust your judgment, Michael. I know you’ll do everything possible to protect both me and the company. I just want this nightmare to end.”

“We’ll explore all avenues, contractual obligations, confidentiality agreements, anything that can help us get out of this without jeopardizing your reputation or the company. You have my word.”

“Thank you, Michael. I’m counting on you to find that loophole, to give me a way out of this mess.”

“Stay strong, my friend. I’ll be in touch as soon as I have something substantial,” Michael assured him.

Roman let out a weary sigh. “I appreciate your dedication, Michael. I don’t know what I would do without you. This situation has taken a toll on me, and I just want to find a way out. I’m going insane over here.”