Olivia clenched her jaw, her frustration simmering beneath the surface. “I know, but it still gets to me,” she admitted.

Jane reached out and placed a comforting hand on Olivia’s shoulder. “Don’t let those comments get to you.”

Olivia nodded. “You’re right, I won’t let their negativity bring me down. I know what we have is real, and that’s all that matters. Thank you, Jane. I needed to hear that. I just need to find a way to focus on work and get my life back on track.”

Jane nodded. “That’s the spirit, Olivia. You’re resilient, and I know you’ll come out of this stronger than ever. Just remember, you have a whole team here rooting for you. You could also always delete your social media or take a hiatus for a while. I did it and it’s been great for me.”

Jane quietly closed the door and disappeared, and again, Olivia found herself lost in her thoughts.

She envied Jane’s seemingly drama-free life, wishing she could have the same peace and stability.

Resolute in her decision to avoid Roman for now, she concentrated on organizing the growing stack of files on her desk.

No calls and no messages from Roman today.

Maybe he finally understood and decided to give her the space she needed to process everything that had transpired between them. A part of her longed to hear his voice, to find solace in his familiar presence, but she knew deep down that it was best to keep her distance for now. At least he made up his mind on how to deal with Scarlett.

Her office fell into contemplative silence as Olivia continued to pile up the files, only the ticking of the clock as her companion, her mind wandering to the tangled web of emotions and uncertainties that had enveloped her life. She wondered if Roman was also grappling with the fallout of their relationship, if he, too, was questioning the choices they had made.

“What am I doing?” She put her hands to her face and sighed.

She was so excited that the promising path of her career had finally opened, and now it had become entangled with personal complications, leaving her with a sense of loss. She didn’t enjoy work anymore.

“I will focus on my work,” she whispered to herself.

She took in three deep breaths, just as her yoga teacher had instructed.

Taking a deep breath, Olivia pushed aside the thoughts of Roman, watching the sun cast its warm glow through the office window.

She thought of Jane’s advice again. Maybe she was right; this wasn’t worth it.

Olivia picked up her phone again and, one by one, tapped on the uninstall button of each social media app.

With each app deletion, Olivia felt a sense of liberation and relief. She was reclaiming her peace of mind, her thoughts, and her focus.

As the last app vanished, she took a deep breath, feeling lighter and freer than she had in a long time. Better to focus on those important in her life.

Olivia dialed her mother’s number, her heart, as the phone rang.

“Hello?” Her mother’s voice, though weak, brought a wave of comfort to Olivia’s soul.

“Hi, Mom. How are you feeling today?”

There was a pause, and then her mother replied, “Oh, you know, taking it one day at a time. But I’m getting better, my dear. Did you thank the angel that helped with my surgery yet?”

“I’m so glad to hear that you’re okay, Mom. You’ve been on my mind constantly, and yes, I’ve thanked my boss properly.”

“Thank you, sweetheart. I’ll also thank him as soon as I get better,” her mother replied, her voice weak.

“And you don’t need to worry too much. I have the best care here, and I’m surrounded by wonderful doctors and nurses.”

Olivia’s eyes welled up with tears of gratitude. “I’m grateful for that, Mom. I can’t wait to see you. I’ll be stopping by the hospital on my way home, and I’m bringing your favorite snack.” After mom’s successful surgery, the physician cleared her to return to the hospital closer to home to allow me to still be able to care for her.

“Oh, how lovely! You always know how to make me smile, my dear. I can’t wait to see you and have our little treat together like we always do.”

“It’s the least I can do, Mom. You deserve all the love and care in the world.”

They chatted a little longer before Olivia had to bid her mother farewell.