Scarlett produced a large yellow envelope from her designer bag, tossing it to the table.
In one swift motion, Roman snatched up the stack of photographs, his grip tightening around them. “Consider this a warning, Scarlett. I’ll deal with you in my own time. But mark my words, this fight isn’t over.”
“Honey, let me know when you’re ready to start a relationship with me. You don’t have much time though.”
The weight of the photographs pressed against his chest, a reminder of the dangerous game he was now entangled in.
As Roman left the room, his mind raced, plotting his next move. He knew he couldn’t let Scarlett’s threats go unanswered, but he also couldn’t allow her to harm Olivia.
Deep down, he knew this confrontation was just the beginning of a treacherous battle.
Where did Olivia fit in all this? A tiny, niggling voice at the back of his head asked again.
He had no answer.
Chapter 27
JaneknockedlightlyonOlivia’s office door, peeping in with a concerned expression. “Hey Olivia, are you okay? I haven’t seen you around much lately.”
Olivia glanced up from the files scattered across her desk, a tired smile forming on her lips. “Hey, Jane. Yeah, I’ve just been dealing with some personal stuff. It’s been a rough few weeks, to say the least.”
Jane stepped into the office and pulled up a chair. “Oh no, what’s been going on? You know you can always talk to me, right?”
With a sigh, Olivia began piling up the files absentmindedly. “Well, where do I start? My mother’s health took a turn for the worse, and she needed a heart transplant. The cost was exorbitant, and I had no way to afford it.”
Jane’s eyes widened, her voice filled with concern. “Oh my goodness, Olivia, I had no idea. Is she going to be okay?”
Resignation colored Olivia’s voice as she continued, “It’s all good now, thankfully. We managed to get help, but it was a rollercoaster of emotions. And on top of that, I’ve been dealing with a complicated relationship situation.”
Jane leaned forward. “Relationship trouble? What happened?”
Olivia let out a rueful laugh, running a hand through her hair. “You must have heard about it already, me and Roman? We ended up getting involved romantically, or at least I was.
It was a mistake, Jane. I let my feelings cloud my judgment, and now it’s caused nothing but trouble.”
Jane reached out to comfort her friend. “Oh Olivia, I’m so sorry to hear that. We were wondering what was going on with all the pictures of you guys on a date. The Scarlett woman’s explanation cleared this up for us. We figured we shouldn’t ask, but I should have. But mistakes happen, and you can’t blame yourself forever. What went wrong?”
Olivia’s voice wavered. “It’s complicated. Roman has a past with someone, Scarlett, and she’s been causing all sorts of trouble. She threatened to expose our sham relationship to the press, and she did, ever since then. It’s been a nightmare, Jane, and I can’t help but feel like I’ve put my career at risk.”
Jane squeezed Olivia’s hand gently, her voice reassuring. “Listen, Olivia, we all make mistakes, especially when it comes to matters of the heart. But you’re strong, and you’ll find a way to navigate through this. Remember, your worth isn’t defined by your mistakes or your relationships. Besides, Mr Roman seems like a reliable boss. He wouldn’t just leave you with this mess, I’m sure.”
Olivia sunk her shoulders and began sobbing.
“Oh, honey.”
“He called to apologize, but I’m still hurt.”
Jane patted her hand.
“It’s okay, you have time to be angry. Talk to him when you feel like it.”
Olivia sighed as she scrolled through the comments on her phone, her face turning grim. “Listen to this,” she said, taking her phone out of her bag. “ ‘Olivia and Roman are just faking it for publicity.’ ‘She’s just a gold digger trying to boost her career.’ ‘Their relationship is a total sham.’”
Jane frowned and leaned closer, peering at the screen. “Seriously? People can be so cruel,” she exclaimed, her voice laced with empathy.
“Yeah, it’s ridiculous,” Olivia replied, exhausted. “I mean, just because Roman and I work together doesn’t mean our relationship is fake . It’s hurtful to see how quick people are to judge without knowing the truth. I’ve been sending off spiteful people all morning. You wouldn’t believe how absurdly bitter people are.”
Jane nodded, her expression sympathetic. “Unfortunately, that’s the downside of being in the public eye,” she said. “People love to speculate and spread negativity without considering the impact it has on others.”