Despite his conservative nature, Mr. Winston possessed an undeniable allure. His deep-set blue eyes conveyed wisdom and shrewdness, while his well-groomed salt-and-pepper beard accentuated his distinguished features.
Roman took a seat opposite him, and the attentive wait staff approached their table.
The restaurant’s reputation for impeccable service was well-deserved, and Mr. Winston nodded in appreciation; if there was one thing he loved above all, it was efficiency and attention to detail.
“So, tell me about you, Roman Knight.”
“I’m afraid nothing is interesting about my story for you, sir,” Roman said, laughing a little.
“Being part of a trillionaire family has its privileges, but it also comes with a certain level of responsibility and expectation. I carry myself with quiet dignity, never flaunting my wealth, but rather commanding respect through presence and achievements. From a young age, I’ve been instilled with the importance of family. That’s why I always look forward to hearing from young, passionate men like you. So please, tell me something.”
As the evening progressed, Mr. Winston’s reserved demeanor and thoughtful expression hinted at a shrewd mind constantly at work, analyzing the intricate details of the business world he inhabited. He was a man of few words.
Their conversation was going well, or so Roman thought, until Mr. Winston interrupted Roman. “ Although I must admit, I was surprised by your audacity to deceive me, Roman. Explain yourself.”
Roman took a deep breath, gathering his thoughts. “I understand how it may seem, Mr. Winston, but please allow me to explain.”
“You don’t need to.”
The older man studied Roman for a moment, his expression stern. “And what does this say about your integrity and character? How can I trust someone who starts a business relationship with deceit?”
Roman nodded. “I realize now that it was a mistake, and I deeply regret it. But I assure you, my intentions were never malicious. My goal was to show you the potential we had, the value we could bring to your business.”
Mr. Winston leaned back in his chair, his face still unreadable. “Strength and determination can be admirable traits, Roman. But without honesty and trust, they are hollow. I expect better from those I choose to work with.”
Roman felt the weight of his words. He knew this meeting him only had a slim, miraculous chance at landing him. In fact, he didn’t even want to come, but the only option was to be in his office, and he didn’t want to risk running into Olivia by mistake. This was the third day of avoiding her, and even now, he didn’t know what to say.
He cleared his throat and sat up straighter.
“I understand the importance of trust, Mr. Winston. I have learned from this experience, and I assure you that I will not make the same mistake again. I value your time and consideration, and I apologize for any disappointment I have caused.”
The older man observed Roman for a moment, his gaze thoughtful. “You have potential, Roman, and it is evident that you possess ambition and skill. However, trust is the foundation upon which successful partnerships are built. I must reconsider our collaboration.”
Roman’s heart sank, but he respected Mr. Winston’s decision. “I appreciate your honesty, Mr. Winston.”
Mr. Winston nodded, his tone softening slightly. “Take this as a learning experience, Roman. Integrity and trust are not qualities to be taken lightly. Prove yourself in the future, and perhaps we may revisit the possibility of working together.”
He glanced at his watch. “Your time is up and I’ll be meeting the second person.”
“Thank you for taking your time.”
With those final words, Roman excused himself from the table, acknowledging Mr Winston with a nod of respect. As he made his way toward the exit, he spotted Marcus and Scarlett, hand in hand, walking into the restaurant. They didn’t matter. Not right now, he had other things to do, like apologies to Olivia.
A few hours ago, Roman sat at his desk, staring at his phone after Olivia abruptly hung up. Taking a deep breath, he dialed Olivia’s number again.
The phone rang for what felt like an eternity before Olivia finally answered. Her voice sounded distant and guarded. “Hello?”
“Olivia, it’s me. Don’t hang up again,” he began. “I’m so sorry for everything. I know I messed up, and I understand if you don’t want to talk to me right now. But please, let me make it right.”
There was a pause on the other end of the line, and then Olivia spoke, her tone still distant. “I appreciate your apology, Roman, but I need some time to process everything. I don’t think I’m ready to talk yet.”
Roman’s heart sank, but he respected her decision. “I understand, Olivia. Take all the time you need.”
Before he could say anything more, Olivia abruptly ended the call, leaving Roman with a sense of emptiness. He knew he had hurt her, and it would take more than a simple apology to mend their relationship. This was one of the few times he’d found himself apologizing to a woman; they did the chasing most of the time.
Just as Roman set his phone down, there was a knock on his office door. He looked up, his eyes widening in surprise as Scarlett entered.