With a hushed voice, Jane leaned closer and whispered, “I heard a rumor that he keeps a scoreboard. Can you believe it?” She stifled a laugh, finding the idea utterly ridiculous.
Olivia’s face flushed, partially from embarrassment and partially from the realization that Jane had a more playful side to her personality. She chuckled, appreciating the levity that Jane brought to the situation. “A scoreboard? That’s insane!” Olivia exclaimed, feeling a sense of camaraderie. Then she remembered his words from earlier.
“Honestly, I kind of have a small crush on him,” Jane admitted her voice barely above a whisper. “I mean, he’s undeniably hot, right?”
Olivia laughed at Jane’s candor. It was refreshing to hear someone acknowledge the undeniable attraction.
“I can’t deny that he’s good-looking,” Olivia replied, her voice laced with amusement.” But we can’t let that distract us from our work.”
“You know what? I heard we have a meeting with him at eight.”
“What? I had no idea, it’s five minutes past. We’re already late for the briefing meeting!”
“Yeah, yeah, I’ll check on it. Share prices are doing well this morning.” Roman jogged up the steps as he talked.”
“Okay then, don’t get too greedy now, remember the executive rerun? Okay Allen, bye.”
Roman ended the call, feeling unusually pleased.
Work today was not going to be as nearly as hectic as the meeting he had with Mr. Glockenspiel the previous evening.
The man had insisted on reviewing the documents there with him over three times.
While Roman appreciated thoroughness, he found it bordering on the edge of neuroticism, and Roman was glad to catch a break.
He’d gone straight back to his office after the meeting and worked for a few more hours before heading home, and now today felt like a holiday to him—not one of those kinds of days where he felt uncomfortable taking a break, but he felt like he deserved this one.
All he needed to do today was brief his employees for the sake of the new interns that joined.
As Roman strolled down the hallway, nodding absentmindedly to his employees’ greetings, lost in thoughts about the upcoming meeting, he suddenly felt a jolt of impact from someone colliding with him. He turned to see the brown-haired intern, Olivia, dodging unsuccessfully and falling flat on her back, her curly brown hair a wild mass from the collision. Her eyes widened in surprise and embarrassment.
Concern overriding his initial annoyance, Roman quickly reached out a hand to help Olivia regain her balance. However, frustration welled up within him, and he reprimanded her harshly.
“Watch where you’re going!” he scolded, his tone laced with an unexpected sharpness.
Olivia’s face flushed crimson, and she scrambled to collect herself. She could feel the eyes of nearby colleagues upon her, intensifying her embarrassment. She stammered an apology.
Roman, momentarily taken aback by his harsh reprimand. He inwardly scolded himself for his outburst, particularly toward someone new to the company.
Regaining his composure, Roman softened his tone. “Just be more careful next time,” he advised. Olivia, though momentarily flustered, met his gaze with renewed determination.
She groaned and took his hand as he hoisted her up roughly.
“Thank you, Mr. Roman, I’ll be sure to remember that.”
“Come on, let’s go already,” Jane whispered, eyes wide.
As Olivia nodded in acknowledgment, her embarrassment transformed into unwavering resolve. She wasn’t going to show her embarrassment here.
She straightened her posture, meeting her boss’s gaze, who watched Olivia as she took her friend’s hand, and they left.
“Mr. Roman,” Jane said, nodding in acknowledgment at her boss, and he nodded back.
“Watch her and make sure she doesn’t run this time. Go ahead, I’ll be joining you soon.”
Olivia bowed her head, taking her walk of shame in front of the other employees who’d gathered at the small commotion, whispering.