Lily squealed in excitement and enveloped Olivia in a hug. “I knew it! You guys are perfect together!”
Olivia, despite her internal nerves, managed to maintain her composure, a small smile gracing her lips. She glanced at Roman, swearing under her breath.
Richard, however, remained impassive, his gaze fixed on Roman and Olivia. Finally, he spoke, his tone stern and authoritative. “Let’s not get ahead of ourselves. Actions speak louder than words.”
The room fell silent, the weight of Roman’s father’s disapproval hanging in the air. Olivia’s nerves resurfaced, but she quickly masked them with a composed expression, determined not to let it show.
Roman, undeterred by his father’s response, squeezed Olivia’s hand reassuringly. “Fair enough, Dad. Let’s eat,” he said, breaking the tension in the room, his tone casual.
The family settled around the opulent dining table adorned with fine china and crystal glasses; the air was filled with a mix of anticipation and the tantalizing aromas of the lavish feast that awaited them.
“Fine dining, is it not?” Roman asked, leaning close to whisper to her.
Despite her irritation at his sudden wedding announcement, she couldn’t help but agree this was the most lavish dining she’d ever been to.
The first course arrived; an exquisite seafood medley beautifully arranged on delicate plates.
“Roman, I’d like to talk to you about finances. How are you doing?” Richard asked, turning his attention to Roman and launching into a conversation about the latest business ventures and strategies.
Olivia watched them interact, impressed by Roman’s confidence yet again as he navigated the intricate details of their family’s business empire. She wanted to join in the conversation, but it felt rude, and besides, his mother and sister’s attention was turned to her now.
Sloane leaned in closer to Olivia, her eyes sparkling with a childish curiosity. “So, how did you and Roman meet?”
Olivia smiled, feeling a blush spread across her face. “It’s quite a whirlwind romance,” she confessed. “We met less than a month ago at work, and it’s been an incredible journey ever since.”
Lily, eager to know more, chimed in, her face lit up with excitement. “Did you know he had feelings for you from the start?”
Olivia chuckled, her cheeks flushing slightly. “Honestly, it took me by surprise. But once we started spending more time together, it became clear that there was something special between us.”
Sloane’s expression turned slightly stern as she playfully scolded Roman. “You made her work under you as an intern? Roman, that’s not fair!”
Roman chuckled, his attention straying from his father, and focused on Olivia. “She loves her job, Mom. And besides, she’s more than just an intern now. She’s my right-hand assistant.”
The conversation continued to flow as the sumptuous meal progressed, each course as delightful as the last. Olivia felt a small sense of belonging, despite the nerves that still lingered within her. She was captivated by the lively exchanges and the genuine interest Sloane and Lily showed in getting to know her.
Amidst the clinking of silverware and bursts of laughter, she finally relaxed.
Lily, her eyes gleaming mischievously, whipped out her phone and asked Olivia and Roman to scooch closer together. “Come on, you guys look so cute! Let’s capture this moment!”
“Is this okay?” Olivia whispered, and Roman nodded. They leaned in, posing for the impromptu snapshot; Lily quickly snapped the picture and grinned. “Perfect! Now, let me share this with the world!”
Roman chuckled, his voice a soft murmur in Olivia’s ear. “Say goodbye to your privacy, love. But hey, we need it public for tomorrow night.”
Chapter 19
“Stopfidgeting,thisisonly, so you get used to it,” Roman whispered, forcing a smile for the crowd. The cameras flashed in their faces, capturing their every move as they mingled at the glamorous party.
A voice broke through the buzz of the crowd. “Hey, lovebirds! How about a kiss for the cameras?”
Roman’s eyes danced with mischief as he turned to Olivia. “What do you say, nun? Ready to prove them wrong?”
Annoyance flickered across Olivia’s features, her cheeks flushed with a mix of embarrassment and determination.
Who did he think he was? Teasing and leading her on like that? For the longest time, she’d been fighting her attraction to him, and he was aware and chose to tease her all the way through.
Yesterday was a beginning of sorts for Roman and her. She’d eventually relaxed at the family dinner, except for his father, who didn’t seem to warm up to her.
“I had a great time, Roman,” she’d said after he dropped her in front of her house and closed the gap between them and kissed her. Without waiting for any response, he’d left and later sent her a text, telling her he had a great time, and she should prepare for their outing.