“How do you intend to do that?” Marcus said, looking up, a gleam in his eye.

If there was one thing he loved about Scarlett the most, it was her scheming brain.

Chapter 18

“Areyouready?”Olivia’svoice trembled slightly as she clutched Roman’s hand tightly on his insistence. She hoped her palms weren’t clammy.

She was a jumbled mix of excitement and nervousness. She was dressed in a semi-formal outfit, and Roman stole another glance at her, his piercing blue eyes studying her intently.

“Well played, I see your commitment to the part.”

Despite himself and his gruff demeanor, he couldn’t deny the undeniable beauty that clutched his hand a little too tightly.

Her presence had a way of melting his defenses, making him feel more vulnerable than he cared to admit. Time seemed to slow.

Her curly brown hair cascaded down her shoulders, framing her face like a halo. Her eyes sparkled with intelligence and warmth, drawing him in with their captivating emerald hue. Her delicate features were accentuated by a subtle touch of lip gloss.

“Thanks, I always do my best whenever I set my mind to it,” she gestured at her dress. She was in an elegant gown, and the fabric clung to her curves, accentuating her grace and poise.

Roman shook his head, freeing himself of thoughts that threatened to drag him into the deep, dangerous waters.

“Yeah, I’m ready,” Roman replied in his usual rough tone, though a hint of tenderness slipped through. He squeezed Olivia’s hand reassuringly, silently conveying his support.

As they stepped out of the sleek black car, the grandeur of the mansion before them was awe-inspiring. It was a symbol of wealth and privilege, an imposing structure that hinted at opulence.

“This house is huge,” Olivia gaped.

“So I’ve been told, come on.”

Roman led Olivia toward the massive entrance.

Again, Olivia’s gaze settled on Roman, and her heart skipped a beat. His broad shoulders were accentuated by casual dressing. His muscles stretched against the fabric. The way he carried himself, with confidence and a hint of mystery and mouthwatering danger, added to his undeniable appeal.

She fought her overwhelming urge to run a hand down those arms, tracing his tattoo.

Olivia chuckled at the thought of how yesterday she’d received a call from Roman asking her to prepare to meet his parents.

She’d spent hours nervously consulting her friend, Avery, for outfit choices, wanting to make a good impression on Roman’s family.

Her nervousness had been palpable, the anticipation of meeting his loved one’s weighing heavily on her mind.

But as she looked at him now, the nerves seemed to fade away, replaced by the attraction that simmered beneath the surface, even as she fought against it.

The gravel crunching beneath their feet echoed in the stillness of the well-manicured front yard.

“I’m... nervous, Roman. What if they don’t like me?”

“It’s obvious and I wish you’d just relax, they’re gonna love you.”

Olivia’s heart raced, her nerves getting the best of her.

They approached the door, where a servant dressed in a crisp uniform stood waiting. The servant’s eyes landed on Roman and Olivia.

“The family is waiting for you,” the servant informed them, their tone respectful and welcoming.

Roman nodded, his gaze flickering towards Olivia. With a reassuring squeeze of her hand, he led her through the ornate double doors.

Roman walked into the elegant foyer of his family home, accompanied by Olivia. Marabella, a stern-looking woman with graying hair, stood at the entrance, her expression softening when she saw Roman.