“Well, Olivia. Is that what you go by?”

“Yes, Olivia is fine.”

“I’ll need you to take some notes. It’s hard to keep track of these things; I’m going to be having a conference meeting in the next twenty-five minutes, I don’t see you taking notes.”

“I have a good memory, I don’t need notes,” she said, making him regard her with something else in his eyes.

“If you say so. Remind me of a call I need to make to Dubai to one of our prospective clients.”

“You mean Mr. Bedlam of the Socrates tech workshop?”

He looked a bit taken aback that she knew.

Eat it, she thought. She was not going to be fired so easily.

Thompson peeked in again, “Olivia, if I could get your number...”

“Get out of here, John,” Roman said.

“Oh man you’re so harsh,” John said with a hearty laugh.

Olivia took this opportunity to make her way back to her desk while Roman sunk back into his seat with a sigh as his door closed. True, his friend was not the most discreet in terms of relationships, but when it came to business, despite how unserious he looked, John was a very shrewd man.

But he was not the kind to leave his affairs in the hands of another person and sit back—his experiences in life taught him just as much.

Roman picked up his phone to dial his secretary, Linda, and then decided against it and instead tore out a piece of his yellow paged book and began to jot furiously. After a few minutes of intense concentration, he stopped to take a breather, leaning against his chair, looking at his phone longingly, resisting the urge to pick it up right now and go to his email. His phone was on silent so as not to disturb him, but he was tempted to pick it up.

He had made a call just this morning, asking for a meeting with one of the biggest sports fashion industries in New York, and offered a deal that was currently on the table. He had a meeting 2 hours from now with executives of the industry, which he was looking forward to.

A soft knock sounded on his door, and he frowned. It was against his policy to be interrupted in times like this. “Come in,” he barked.

The heavy door creaked a little, and to his mild disappointment, the person standing in front of him was not who he was hoping to see.

It was Jane, the other new intern. Why was he hoping it was Olivia again?

He focused on Jane; she was a mousy little thing who had the bad habit of looking at her feet and twiddling her thumbs. Jane was quite a bright woman, if only she weren’t so subservient.

Gotta instill some confidence in this one. He thought.

“I’ll only let you off the hook once because you are new, what do you want?”

“I am sorry, I was not informed that you didn’t take visitors.”

“I don’t take visitors for the first 2 hours when I come to work unless it is urgent, or I request them to come by themselves. You understand?”

“Yes, I do.”

“What do you want?”

“Well...I wanted to thank you for this opportunity. It has been my dream to work as an intern here and...”

“Oh, I don’t care,” he said, interrupting her, causing her head to snap.

That was better.

“Just keep in line, and we won’t have a problem. Is that all, Jane?”

She seemed surprised he recalled her name. Of course, he did. He knew everyone down to the night guards.