“No problem, we’ll just continue. Your assistant will update you.”

“So, Olivia, what do you think?” Roman heard an executive ask before he excused himself from the room. He paused at the door and listened to her speak.

She seemed to know what she was talking about, so he left her to it.

But at the moment, the ID of the caller was more worrying. He picked it up.

“Hello? Who is this?”

“It’s me.” Hearing the familiar voice over the phone, anger began to build up in him.

It was his ex-girlfriend, Scarlett.

Without waiting for a response, he pocketed his phone and walked back slowly into the conference room. He wasn’t interested in hearing from her.

“…and that is why I think that will be the best cause of action,” Olivia said as she took her seat.

Roman saw the executives exchange intrigued glances; they looked impressed by Olivia.

He took a seat and tried to put the call past his mind.

“Okay then, I think that’s settled. This meeting is almost over. You’ve got a mighty fine assistant and if you would like Olivia, I would love to have you work here when you finish your internship. I hear she’s only serving as a temporary assistant.”

“There’s no chance in hell for that,” Roman shot back before he could stop himself.

“Oh really? Why is that?” Mr. Bennet asked, looking intrigued.

The lights were back on now.

“Because she’s going to be working with me full-time after her internship.”

“Well, Olivia, if you want to run away from this wet towel, don’t forget to come here.”

The board shared scattered laughter.

In a few minutes, the meeting rounded up, and he noticed that Olivia had fallen completely silent again.

“Okay, I think that will be all. I’ll get the budget ready and send it over for you, Mr. Knight, to review by next week and then we can commence,” an executive said, getting up to shake his hand.

“Thank you very much, Olivia,” Olivia smiled and replied, “Oh, it’s nothing.”

Mr. Faye, a second executive who’d been silent the whole time, pulled her close for a hug which made Roman uncomfortable for a moment.

As they walked out of the meeting room, she was still silent.

“Good job today,” he began.

“Would you like to fill me in on what I missed?”

She handed him her pad; her writing was clear, concise, and straight to the point.

He looked over it, impressed.

“That’s some nice work there.”

“Thanks,” she said, and before she could escape, Roman grabbed her hand, and the contact made her freeze momentarily.

His strength was overwhelming, she tried to pry free, but his grip was steel.