Linda had given them a stern warning beforehand not to involve themselves with the celebrities, or else Olivia would have thrown herself at them; all she could do was gush and swoon from afar.
The guests mingled and engaged in animated discussions.
Olivia watched them exchange business cards, share anecdotes, and immerse themselves in the enchantment of the evening.
“Unreal, isn’t it?” Jane asked, sidling up beside her fellow intern.
“You look beautiful, Jane,” Olivia said.
“Oh, stop it, you look breathtaking, Olivia.”
Jane stood beside Olivia, her presence a contrast to the glitz and glamor of the event. Jane wore a simple yellow gown that flowed gracefully around her slim figure, her brown hair was neatly pulled back, and her trademark Coke bottle glasses rested gently on her nose, adding a touch of nerdy charm to her appearance.
“Let’s ogle and cross our fingers, hoping nothing goes wrong with this event.”
As celebrities passed by, their eyes lit up with delight, and Jane couldn’t contain her excitement. Her animated gestures and enthusiastic conversations drew attention; Olivia had to draw her back twice, reminding her of the strict rule.
“Oh my god, is that Mr. Solana?”
Olivia had to laugh at Jane’s genuine excitement and knowledge about the celebrities. Her excitement was contagious and refreshing.
“There he is,” Olivia whispered.
“The star of today’s show.”
Reporters were clamoring around him now. Mr. Grant Lake, handsome and standing over six feet tall, his slicked-back hair reminded Olivia of Roman, her boss.
“You think it’s alright to meet him? He’s our client after all,” Jane argued.
“Yeah, and we planned this, tonight’s happening because of us.”
“Absolutely not!” Linda said, appearing beside them. There were two glasses of champagne in her hands, presumably for the next celebrity she had to talk to.
“Just look at him go, admit it, Linda, you like him.”
Linda laughed, “It doesn’t matter if I do, okay, skedaddle you two.”
“Yeah right, if we can’t talk to him, neither can you.”
The buzzing hall had transformed into a stage for their newest client, the basketball star whose presence commanded attention. Cameras flashed, capturing his charismatic smile and confident demeanor as he engaged with the guests.
Olivia’s attention had tuned out Jane and Linda’s bantering; her eyes roamed the hall, searching for her boss.
Her very hot, mysterious, possibly dangerous boss, she reminded herself.
Olivia’s gaze found and lingered on Roman.
Attractive, as usual.
He moved through the room with an air of ease and confidence. Dressed casually yet impeccably, he exuded an effortless charm that seemed to draw everyone’s attention.
Linda mentioned he would be appearing briefly, hence his casual style, his choice of clothing, a simple yet stylish gray shirt that painstakingly showcased every single chiseled physique and accentuated the attractive contours of his muscles. Olivia couldn’t help but notice how the fabric clung to him in all the right places, hinting at the strength and athleticism that lay under. She wondered what it felt like to feel that body, her beneath him, maybe.
Olivia watched Roman interact with celebrities and gracefully field questions from eager reporters; the women themselves couldn’t seem to stay away from him. A hint of jealousy streaked through Olivia as a woman grabbed his arms, laughing a little too loudly at what he said.
With charismatic grace, he pried her arm gently from his with a smile.
His natural ease in the spotlight is captivating, and it’s clear that he’s no stranger to attention and adulation, like a painting you could watch for hours, right? It’s the combination of confidence, charisma, and a touch of mystery that makes him truly irresistible.