SORREN: If she needs help burying your body because you’re a damn helicopter I’m gonna to do it
HANK: Like you’re one to talk
OTTO: I’m totally helping dig the hole too but I’ll be sad
CASE: I think balance is good.
OTTO: Right? Me too.
SORREN: Why do I agree with you guys?
OTTO: Because we’re awesome
CASE: And you’re getting older – really examining where your life is going
SORREN: No that’s not it
CULLEN: Look at my grandbabies!
OTTO: There he is! How’s NZ? Make sure you give Gwen a kiss for me
CULLEN: It’s amazing and I’ll do no such thing
OTTO: Not like a KISS but like – you know what never mind
HANK: Self preservation is good you should try it in all aspects of your life
OTTO: That sounds terrible
CULLEN: (Picture of the beach and water from the villa)
CULLEN: I thought everyone in Clementine Creek was laid back, but it’s nothing compared to the kiwis
CASE: Kiwis huh? Guy goes away for like three days and now he’s a local
CULLEN: Those plans for the Darling Farms upgrades aren’t set – I could add all sorts of shit to make your life unpleasant
OTTO: OUR life Case he means OUR life.
OTTO: You’re so selfish
SORREN: Maybe I need a vacation
WAYLON: You deserve one, man
HANK: Agreed.
OTTO: I love vacations! Where do you want to go?
WAYLON: Case – this one is you…
CULLEN: Karma came swiftly I see
CASE: Dammit.