Page 17 of Holiday Queen

Warmth filled him and he stepped in close to her. “Just happy to be part of such a great cause. Thanks.”

Applause filled the room again and together they exited the stage and headed back toward their table. Camille paused before they reached their seats, wound her arms around his neck, and pulled his face down to meet hers. “Kiss me.”

He pulled her against him, careful not to bump the heavy trophy against her. He slanted his mouth across hers and she opened for him, swirling her tongue against his. Her breath held a hint of the cabernet and her unique flavor. The noise and the crowd faded into the background and her sweet scent surrounded him.

“Trent. Trent Bell, is that you?” A deep voice boomed from nearby.

Reluctantly, he lifted his head and turned to face a stocky bald guy who stuck out a beefy mitt toward him. “Itisyou. It’s been too long and here you are winning the scavenger hunt, too.”

Camille retreated a step, her eyes wide.

“Danny, it’s been too long. Good to see you.” He shook his former assistant coach’s hand, forcing a smile. Tonight was about Camille, not baseball. “This is Camille Taylor.”

Camille smiled and shook Danny’s hand. “Hi Danny, nice to meet you. So, how do you two know each other?” She gazed between them.

“We used to work together.” Trent really didn’t want to get into a big discussion about his past career.

Danny nodded, always a talker. “Yeah, I’m one of the Assistant Coaches on the Giants and your man here was our star. Now we still do some work together with his non-profit, but I don’t get to see him much, so this is a treat.”

Camille turned toward him, her eyes wide. “Non-profit?”

Before he could answer, Danny plowed on. “Yeah, Bay Area Beyond Baseball Camps. It’s incredible. Trent gets all the guys to volunteer for his camp for underprivileged kids and even coaches kids every week all around the county. It’s really something.”

“You started Bay Area Beyond Baseball Camps? I don’t really follow sports, but I read an article about it. I had no idea that was you.” Camille’s eyes lit up and she stroked one hand down his arm.

And just that light touch made his pulse kick up. “Yeah, it’s mine.” He shrugged.

Well, they had only met last night, and it had been refreshing that she hadn’t known much about baseball and was more interested in getting to know him, not focus on his past fame. Whiskey last night, then today’s scavenger hunt, and this evening’s mind-blowing sex hadn’t left much time to discuss his passion project.

Danny smacked him on the shoulder––fortunately not the bum one––and grinned. “Well, great to see you here and nice to meet you, Camille. Even if you’re not a baseball fan. See you later.” And with that he pivoted and sauntered off.

“Shall we go back to the table for dessert?” Camille slid her hand into his and tugged. “And I never said I don’t like baseball, it’s more I’ve not watched much of it. I want to hear all about your charity. I can’t believe you didn’t tell me about it.”

The back of his neck heated. “I haven’t really had the chance. And don’t worry about it. Sometimes people want to hang out with me only because of baseball and that’s not what I do anymore. And you haven’t told me much about your job either.”

She waved a hand. “I crunch numbers, which isn’t exactly a fascinating topic.”

They reached the table, and he pulled her chair out before placing the trophy down next to her wineglass. A waiter materialized between them and set down two slices of devil’s food cake.

“I’m interested in everything you do.” He sipped his wine. “I meant it when I said I want to spend more time with you.” Hopefully all the time in the world. It was fast but being with her felt right. Felt good.

Her lips curved upward, and she picked up her dessert fork. “Me too. Starting with tonight, you’re staying with me, right?”

“I brought my overnight bag, so as long as you haven’t changed your mind.” His shoulders tensed.

She leaned over and speared a slice of his cake. “I’d like you to stay as long as you don’t have to wake up super early. I’d like to sleep in tomorrow. Celebrate our win.”

He caught her wrist and redirected the fork to his mouth. “You’re not stealing my chocolate cake now, are you?”

She laughed. “I wouldn’t dare.” She dropped the fork beside her plate, leaned in and pressed a light kiss on his lips. “You drive a hard bargain.”

“With dessert, anyway. I’ll share anything else with you and no, no early morning plans.” He curved one hand around the back of her neck. “Just tell me when you want to go upstairs.”

He closed the few inches between them and captured her mouth.

After a few moments, she murmured, “Let’s finish this cake, then sneak out with our trophy.”

“Hurry.” If he had his way, their night would extend beyond the morning. Far beyond. He picked up his fork and wolfed down the slice in two bites.