Page 10 of Holiday Queen

Her pupils flared and her rosy lips parted. “Kiss me.”

He caught her narrow waist in his hands and tugged her against him. He slanted his mouth across hers and inhaled her delicious floral scent. When she wound her arms around his neck and plastered herself against him, he groaned. Their tongues tangled and every nerve ending in his body sparked to life.

“Camille, what are you doing?” A grating voice barked from much too close.

She jolted and jumped back. “Sean? What are you doing here?”

“I’ve been waiting here to apologize to you since you won’t return my calls. You’re already making out with some random guy?” Sean jerked a thumb toward him.

Trent ground his molars together and raked his gaze from the top of the bland, Ken-doll looking guy’s slicked-back hair down to his polished tasseled loafers.Thiswas Camille’s ex? He looked like a total tool.

Camille’s fingers curled into fists and her eyes narrowed. “You’re joking, right? We have nothing to discuss and it’s none of your business what I do.”

A crease formed between the guy’s eyebrows and his tone turned cajoling. “Will you please give me five minutes to explain? Alone?”

“Actions speak louder than words and there’s nothing you can say. You should just go.” Camille pointed toward the hotel’s front doors.

Nothing like a reminder that Camille had only caught the guy cheating twenty-four hours ago. The irony that he’d finally felt ready to date someone again after three years of mourning and the woman he fell for wasn’t available. Not really. Time to retreat.

Trent held up both hands and backed away. “Look, you two need to work this out. I’m going to go.”

Her eyes widened. “Trent, don’t go––”

“It’s best for now. Call me later if you want.” He turned on his heel and strode to the exit. Disappointment filled him but he couldn’t start a relationship with a woman who likely was using him as a rebound, whether she meant to or not.

What were the odds he’d hear from her tonight?


Camille struggled to regulate her breathing. “You’re wasting your time, Sean. We don’t have anything to say to each other.”

He reached out a hand. “Baby, we’ve got a couple years together and a whole lifetime ahead of us. I messed up but it will never happen again. I’ve done some soul searching and I’m ready to take the next steps with you.”

She scoffed and backed away. “Don’t touch me. And you’ve got to be kidding. What, you soul searched for an afternoon? Please. Cheaters cheat. The only next steps are yours walking away.” Inside she patted herself on the back––that was a pretty good line.

“You know things haven’t been great between us lately, but it wasn’t just me. We can go talk to someone, go to therapy, whatever you want. I want to marry you and I know you’re ready for that too.” Something flickered behind his eyes but his smile remained in place.

Anger simmered through her veins. “Marriage? Um, no thank you. And the time for therapy is past. We did drift apart and part of that’s my fault but there’s no un-seeing what I saw yesterday. It was a wake-up call.”

“A wake-up call? Please.” His lips twisted. Had his mouth always been so small and his expression so smug?

She placed her hands on her hips because her fingers were itching to slap him across the face. “When I realized I was only angry and felt like an idiot, I knew I didn’t love you anymore. You bruised my ego, but not my heart. My only regret is I didn’t realize that a long time ago. So, shame on me.”

He stepped closer and reached for her again. “Of course, you’re angry. I screwed up. I’m sorry. C’mon baby, let me make it up to you. I’ll buy you the biggest diamond engagement ring you’ve ever seen.”

“Ugh. I am not your baby. I don’t want a ring from you. All I want is for you to go away. I’ll have a box of your things delivered to you, but I don’t ever want to talk to you again. Just leave.” Her legs were shaky, but her resolve was strong. She’d never been surer of a decision in her life.

His expression morphed, a nasty sneer replacing the pleading expression in an instant. “Fine. I figured I’d give you another chance but you’re right. You’re just a hot blonde in a town of hot blondes. Arm candy. Nothing special. Merry Fucking Christmas.” He pivoted and marched away.

Camille leaned back against the marble column and pressed her hands to her churning belly. It hadn’t taken long for Sean’s true colors to emerge. Is that how her family and friends had always seen him? How had she been so blind for so long?

Good riddance, sleazeball.

After a series of fortifying breaths, she strolled over to the charity event table to check in for the evening’s gala. Once she’d completed those details, she headed to the gleaming wooden-doored elevators, headed up to her expansive suite, and flopped onto the king bed.

Adrenaline from the confrontation with Sean still coursed through her system, so she may as well make her move with Trent before she collapsed into an exhausted heap. Had the scene with Sean scared him away?Please no.

Seeing her ex hammered home the point she hadn’t loved the jerk in a long time, she’d just been too involved with work to end it. A sense of relief flooded through her––her reaction wasn’t a broken heart––her heart was unscathed. How could she show Trent she was ready? And not just for a rebound fling?