Page 37 of Marked For Revenge

“Of course,” she said. And there was definitely love and affection in her eyes. Also some worry. She glanced at her father. “Could you please shut the door on your way out?”

Edgar didn’t dole out one of his classic glares. He cleared his throat and directed his comments to Caleb. “I hope you know everything that happened when you were born was in your best interest.”

Harley couldn’t stop himself from groaning, and he thought maybe Ava would return some not-so-friendly fire. She didn’t, though, and neither did Caleb. The young man simply walked over to Edgar.

“Excuse us, please,” he said. “It’s important that I speak to Deputy Lawson and Ranger Ryland.” Then Caleb eased the door shut in Edgar’s face.

Again, Harley didn’t know who was more surprised by that, and he half expected for Edgar to throw open the door and start bellowing about what he perceived to be an insult.

He didn’t.

Maybe because the senator had won that surprise award this round and was too stunned to be his usual jackass self. Either that or he’d been crushed by the gesture. Harley doubted it was the latter, but it couldn’t have felt good to be rejected by his grandson even if it was a grandchild Edgar hadn’t wanted anywhere in his life.

Caleb turned back to Ava and his expression was filled with worry when he took out his phone and handed it to her. “Someone emailed those to me about an hour ago,” he explained.

With plenty of worry flooding her own expression, Ava took the phone, and Harley went to her side to see the blank email. Well, blank for words anyway. But there were three attachments and, before Ava clicked on them, Harley knew what she was going to see.

The three murdered women.

In each of them, the posed women had garbage bags covering their bodies and were wearing the masks of Ava’s face.

“That’s you,” Caleb said, his voice trembling. “Your face, just like the one on the mannequin someone left for you.”

She nodded, passed the phone to Harley, and she looked directly at Caleb. “I’m sorry someone sent you these. It must have been a shock to open them and see the bodies.”

“It was a shock to see your face on the bodies,” Caleb clarified. He groaned and shook his head. “This isn’t a mannequin. These women are real. Were real,” he amended. “And the killer put your face on them when he killed them.”

Ava stayed calm and led him to one of the chairs. When Caleb didn’t sit, she did, and that prompted him to take the chair next to her. Harley intended to hear anything else Caleb had to say, but he was also taking a closer look at the photos, looking for anything that could lead them to the person who’d done this. Harley also sent Theo, Ava and himself copies of the photos, and he wanted the lab to take a hard look at them as well.

“Are the Rangers still watching your place to make sure you’re okay?” she asked Caleb.

He nodded. “I told the one on duty that I needed to come here and talk to you, and he gave me a ride. He’s waiting out front.”

“Good. Because I don’t want you going anywhere alone, not until we catch the person responsible.”

“You’re taking precautions, right?” Caleb asked but didn’t wait for an answer. He looked up at Harley. “You’re making sure she stays safe?”

“I’m trying,” he assured Caleb, and Harley dragged a chair over so he could sit across from them. “Ava’s a cop, so it’s a fine line between protecting her and not trusting her cop skills. She’s very good at what she does,” he tacked onto that, hoping it would make Caleb worry less than he obviously was. But maybe reassuring him about her safety wasn’t possible.

Caleb nodded as if trying to process what he’d been told. “Is the senator involved in any of this?” He tipped his head to his phone as Harley handed it back to him.

“He’s personally alibied for the nights of the murders,” Harley explained. “And, even though he’s not one of my favorite people, I don’t believe he’d actually try to hurt Ava.”

Caleb studied his expression and, after a few moments, seemed to accept what Harley had just said. “But the killer could be someone trying to get back at the senator by going after his daughter and her baby?”

Bingo. Hopefully, the killer wouldn’t go after both of Edgar’s grandchildren and would leave Caleb out of this.

“I guess you think I should have just handled this over the phone,” Caleb said a moment later. “I mean instead of coming to Silver Creek—”

“It’s okay,” Ava interrupted. “It’s good to see you.” She dragged in a long breath. “Even if I would have felt better if you’d just stayed put, where you’d be safe. I want you safe, Caleb,” she emphasized in a murmur.

The emotion practically flew off those words, and Harley could see it in every bit of her expression. She was hurting with worry for the son she hadn’t been able to keep.

Caleb held Ava’s gaze for several moments and then glanced at her stomach. “Do you know if you’re having a boy or a girl?”

“A girl,” she said, smiling just a little.

Caleb smiled, too. “I hope you don’t take this the wrong way, but I always wanted a sibling. A little late, I know,” he added with a nervous chuckle. “When she’s old enough, will you tell her who I am?”