Page 67 of Enforcing the Rules

I studied her face. “When you trust me with it?”

“When I trust you with it. It’s a two-way street, Utah.”

“So I’m finding.”



When we walked inside the clubhouse, Memphis and Lola were sitting at the bar. I led Kate over and introduced them. “Lola, this is Kate. Kate, Lola. Memphis’s ol’ lady.”

Lola grinned. “You don’t have to introduce us. I remember her from the video call.” She eyed my arm around Kate. “I see my vouch seems to have worked.”

Kate laughed. “Yes, you could say it did. Thank you for easing my worries.”

“No problem. What I said was true. You’re in good hands with Utah.”

I pulled out a barstool for Kate, and she sat, dropping her purse on the bar. I motioned to the prospect behind the bar. “Give us a couple Irish coffees, prospect.”

He brought two steaming mugs and set them before us, then pulled a bottle of Jameson from below the bar top, tilting it up. “Say when.”

He put a splash in Kate’s, and she held her hand up. “That’s good. Thanks.”

I took a bit more in mine, waving him off, then raised my glass and clinked it to Kate’s.

She took a sip and set her glass down, then looked at Lola. “Utah thought maybe you could explain to me what it means to be an ol’ lady.”

Both Lola and Memphis arched a brow at me.

“Ol’ lady, huh?” Memphis asked. “You don’t waste time, do you, brother?”

Lola slipped off her barstool and took Kate by the hand, jumping at the chance. “I’d be glad to tell you about it. Let’s go sit over here.”

They moved to the couch near the fireplace, and I turned to Memphis. “No, I don’t waste time. When you know, you know.”

“You sure about this?”

“We still have some things to work out. Some big things. But if we come out the other side of it whole, that’ll tell me all I need to know.”

“And what exactly are these big things?”

I sighed. I couldn’t lie to my brother. “The man she’s been after—”

“The same one we’re after. Yeah?”

“He’s her father.” I let that bomb drop.

“No fucking way.”


“You know what Rock wants. His head on a spike. How’s that gonna make for a happily ever after for you two?”

“I haven’t exactly figured it all out yet. I’m working on it.”

“She needs to bring him in alive to get the bounty. Rock wants him dead. How are you going to work that out?”

“I realize the situation is fucked. You got any ideas?”