Page 62 of Enforcing the Rules

“I can’t help it. You’re making this about my job or your club. Same thing.”

“I don’t want to fight with you, babe. It has to be this way.”

“Says you.”

“Says me and the rest of the Royal Bastards.”

I stomped a foot. “Seriously? You’re going to be a dick?”

“You’re going to be a bitch?”

“That’s it, we’re through.” I shoved past him and out the door.

I had to find my father before the MC did. It might be the only way to save his pathetic life. Why was this my problem? The man had fucked me, my sister, and my mother over. Why did I care? Because Bethany deserved a shot at a life with her father. Maybe if he did a few years behind bars, he’d come out the other side a changed man. It had happened. Not often, maybe. But there was a chance. How could I take that chance away from Bethany?

I was halfway down the hall when Utah caught up to me. One minute I was stomping along, the next I was over his shoulder, and he was marching to his room.

I kicked and screamed until he smacked my ass. “Goddamn, you’re a hellcat when you want to be.”

He booted the door shut behind us and set me on my feet.

“We’re done. Move out of my way,” I spit.

“We are not done. Ray Baker is not going to be the end of us. Not a fucking chance.”

“You aren’t my boss.”

He grinned. The man actually grinned. “You are so fucking hot right now; my dick is hard.”

My eyes naturally dropped to his crotch. “Stop it. We’re so not having sex, so get that thought right out of your head.” I shook a finger in his face.

He grinned bigger and closed his hand over mine, bringing my finger to his mouth and kissing it, then sucking it inside his mouth.

Oh, God. I could feel the melt. It started in my loins and heat shot through my body. This so wasn’t fair. I told him so. “You’re not playing fair.”

“I’m not playing at all.”

“We’re over.”

“We’re not. I want you too badly. Let’s have sex.”

“Not a chance, mister.”

“Come on, love. Bet I can change your mind.”

I arched a brow. “I’ll make you a deal.”

“I’m listening.”

I stepped closer, giving him a seductive smile. “Maybe we should join forces. Maybe we can both get what we want. We catch Ray, you find out where your money is—if he hasn’t already blown it all—then I get to take him in and get the bounty.”

“No way.”

I yanked my hand free. “Then I’m out of here. I’ve got no use for a man who doesn’t give a damn about what I want or need.”

He lifted me up and tossed me on the bed, coming down on top of me.

“You are a tough one. Okay. Fine. Here’s the deal I’ll make you. Until we catch this guy—you’re mine and all that implies.” His eyes trailed down me. He parted the top button of my shirt and kissed my breast bone.