Page 9 of Mike's Assistant

I blinked, taken aback by the sudden shift in our conversation. "Uh, no," I confessed. "I mean, I've done odd jobs here and there, but never anything official like that."

Ryan's lips quirked into a slight smile. "Well, it's nothing complicated, but it's necessary. Letters, packages, documents… they all need to be sorted and delivered in a timely manner. It's not glamorous, but it's a start."

It was a start, and it was a start that I needed. I had my brothers depending on me; this was my opening.

“I can do it,” I said clearly, with what I hoped was a determined expression. I wouldn’t fail.

Ryan chuckled, clapping his hands together. “That’s the spirit, Jake. We—”

A rapid knock on the door interrupted him, and we both jerked our gaze to the entrance. A woman of a certain age, with a stern but not unkind face and sharp eyes framed by a cascade of silvering hair, burst in.

“Ry,” she paused at my appearance before continuing. “I didn’t know you were in a meeting.”

Ryan smiled and stood from his desk. “Denise, meet Jake Bradford. Vanessa brought him in for a job.”

I glanced at him, my brow furrowing. There was something in the way he said Vanessa’s name. It was a note of… deference? Admiration? I couldn’t put my finger on it.

"Vanessa brought you someone for a job,” Denise said, surprise creeping into her voice.

She focused on me, and a small smile appeared. "I’m Denise Atkinson, the head of human resources."

I quickly took her offered hand and replied. “Jake Bradford, nice to meet you, Ms. Atkinson.”

“So, what position did Ryan find you?” she asked as she slid into the chair next to mine.

I sat down as Ryan did the same before answering. “The mailroom.”

“The mailroom?” She shook her head with a tsk. “I think we can do better. Especially with a recommendation from Vanessa Satchel.”

"Satchel?" I asked, my eyes widening in surprise.

"Yes, daughter of our CEO and owner, Edward Satchel," Denise replied with ease. "Now, I have a question for you, Jake. We have a position that just opened. It’s a tough one; the man’s a real lion and loves to roar about everything. But he’s also our CLO and needs an assistant to help him. You think you can handle a grump?"

I was still reeling from the revelation that Vanessa was the daughter of the CEO of the Satchel empire. I wasn’t just applying for a job; I was stepping into a world I didn’t understand. I didn’t know how to respond.


“It pays significantly more than the mailroom,” Denise continued, “and with Vanessa’s recommendation, I believe you'd be an excellent fit.”

A memory flickered. "I did once want to study law," I murmured, more to myself than to her, before venturing a question. "Will I need to know legal briefs? I’m not a paralegal."

Denise shook her head. “Not immediately. His biggest issue right now is juggling his schedule. He’s acting CEO while Mr. Satchel recovers from an incident, and managing both roles is… strenuous.”

“Oh,” I replied, feeling a mixture of disappointment and relief.

“But don't forget," Ryan interjected, "we believe in further education here. If you aspire to be a paralegal or even a lawyer, we have programs that can help you achieve that goal."

I’d forgotten Ryan was in the room, and his words took me by surprise. I managed an embarrassed smile and nodded. Taking a deep breath, I came to a decision. “I can do it.”

Denise's face lit up in a wide smile, and she rose from her seat. “Fantastic. I’ll take you up to meet Mike while Ryan here gets your offer together.”

Nodding resolutely, I pushed back from the desk and stood, ready to follow Denise into this new chapter of my life. My heartbeat quickened in my chest - a mix of nerves and excitement. I was about to meet the acting CLO and acting CEO of the Satchel empire.

We made our way to the elevator, the monotonous hum of the office fading into silence as the doors closed behind us. Denise pressed the top button, its glow reflected in the polished steel of the elevator's interior. I caught my reflection and noted how out of place I looked, my casual attire a stark contrast to the upscale surroundings.

Feeling my nerves twang like a guitar string, I rubbed my palms together. Denise, watching me from the corner of her eye, offered a reassuring smile. “Relax, Jake. Mike is a good guy. He’s just a little overwhelmed.”

Her words coaxed a sheepish smile onto my face. "Sorry," I mumbled, rolling my shoulders to release some of the tension built up there.