Page 64 of Mike's Assistant

I leveled one final stare at the boys, hoping to convey I meant business, before nodding and sliding out of the car. I turned around and looked up in amazement. Mike came around, placing his hand on my back, and gave me a gentle nudge.

“Let’s go see what’s going on.”

I nodded again, and we walked toward the large wooden doors. I stumbled on my feet as the doors seemed to open on their own. An older gentleman, around sixty or seventy, stepped out. His short gray hair was slicked back, and his thin mustache was well-groomed. He was dressed formally in a black suit, a white button-down shirt, and gleaming black shoes.

“Good afternoon, Master Doy,” the man said with a tilt of his head.

“Hi, Carl. How are you? This is my mate, Jake, and his brothers, Sam and Abel.” Mike looked at me. “This is Carl. He’s been the butler for the home for as long as I can remember. He’s also a prominent member of the pride.”

Carl grinned. “Princess Vanessa told us you met your mate. Congratulations.” He looked at me and gave me a bow. “A pleasure to meet you.”

“Nice to meet you, too,” I replied, mirroring his bow.

“We’re here to see his Majesty,” Mike said formally.

“Yes, of course. Please come in,” Carl said, holding his hand toward the doors.

Mike gave me another gentle nudge, and I let loose an audible gasp. The interior of the home was just as amazing as the exterior. This place was a palace. There were two grand staircases, one on each side of the foyer. Marble floors and a giant chandelier sparkled against the golden trim inlays of the walls.

“Hello, Mike,” a young man said. He had a muscular build, short blond hair, and striking blue eyes. He glanced at Talon.

“Talon,” he said softly.

Talon visibly stiffened, and his eyes bore into the man. “Lucas,” he whispered. “What are you doing here?”

“Lucas is Brian’s brother,” Mike said quietly before saying aloud. “Hey, Lucas. Are you visiting the prey princess?”

Talon growled, and Lucas glared at Mike. “Ooh, you gonna be in trouble when I tell the king you called his mate that.”

Mike laughed. “The king will be fine. It’s our thing. He calls me a pussycat, and I call him a prey princess.”

“You shouldn’t call anyone that,” Talon said through clenched teeth. I’d never seen him so agitated and wondered why.

“Relax, Talon. It’s just a joke.”

I interjected, sensing an underlying tension. “Wait, is 'prey princess' derogatory?”

Lucas sighed. "In our world, predators sometimes label prey shifters as divas, and 'prey princess' can be a snide remark. Mike and my brother, however, have a history of teasing each other."

Lucas stepped forward and extended his hand. “We haven’t been introduced. I’m Lucas. It’s very nice to meet you.”

“Nice to meet you, too. I’m Jake,” I said, shaking his hand.

Lucas smiled and glanced at Talon. “It’s always a blessing to meet your mate.”

Talon looked away, and I wondered what the hell that was about. “These are my brothers, Sam and Abel,” I said, wanting to break the sudden tension.

“Nice to meet you both,” Lucas said with a grin. The boys, for their part, nodded, but continued to look around the vast building. They’re probably trying to find places to hide, I thought.

“To answer your question,” Lucas said. “I brought my Nana to visit. It’s actually why you’re here. She needs to speak to the mated couples. They’re in the king’s study. The king asked for me and Talon to watch the boys while you speak with them.”

I tensed. I didn’t want to leave the boys. Mike gave me a gentle squeeze. “The boys will be okay. Talon and Lucas will keep them safe. I promise.”

I didn’t like it, but I trusted Mike thus far, and he’s never broken a promise. I nodded. “Okay.”

Lucas crouched down to be at eye level with the boys. “Sam. Abel. I have some nieces and nephews about your age. They’re playing out back. How about I take you to meet them?”

They nodded eagerly. “Can we, Jake?” Sam asked.