Page 52 of Mike's Assistant

“I wanna go back, too. Danny is awesome!” Abel joined in.

Since picking up the boys from daycare, they hadn’t stopped talking about the friends they had and the games they played. Abel was especially infatuated with his new friend, Danny. Apparently, as soon as they met, the pair became thick as thieves.

I peered down at them as we rode the elevator to the apartment. “Yes, you both can go back and see Danny again.” I looked up at Mike. He’d been distracted with his phone since picking up the boys. I wondered if he was already working on the situation.

The elevator dinged, and the doors slid open. “We’re home. Let’s get inside, and we—”

“Wait,” Mike interrupted, stepping in front of the door.

I scrunched my brow. “What’s going on?”

Mike smiled but didn’t answer; instead, he crouched low to look the boys in the eyes. The boys, for their part, wore the same quizzical expression I was sure I wore.

“So, I got a special call today,” Mike began, and my heart stopped. Was he going to tell him about CPS? Were the boys going away? Instinctively, I made to move in front of my brothers, but stopped as Mike continued. “It was from the North Pole.”

The North Pole? What the hell? I was even more confused.

“The North Pole?” Sam asked.

Mike nodded. “Yep, it was a call from Santa.”

“Santa!” Abel exclaimed. “You know Santa?”

“Yep. He’s a friend of mine. He told me the snowstorm had finally cleared up and Rudolph’s nose was working again. He had a special surprise for you two…” Mike glanced up at me and gave me a wink. “And your big brother.”

“Really? What did he get us?” Sam asked excitedly.

Yeah, what did he get us? I wondered.

Mike grinned. “Let’s open the door and find out.”

Mike rose to his feet and bid me to unlock the door. I nodded and held out my phone until hearing the locks disengage. With a flourish, Mike swung open the door, and the boys ran inside.

As the door swung wide, streamers popped, and confetti cascaded from above, showering the entryway in a glittering rain of colors. The apartment had transformed. Everywhere I looked, there were decorations of beloved Disney characters: Mickey and Minnie-shaped balloons floating by the ceiling, a tablecloth showcasing the iconic Disney castle, and even little figurines of characters like Elsa and Woody strategically placed around the living room.

“Surprise!” Vanessa yelled, her voice echoing the joy evident in the decor.

She wore mouse ears and held two pairs out to Sam and Abel. They timidly grabbed them, with Abel especially appearing confused.

In the background, neatly packed suitcases stood in a row, their presence hinting at the impending adventure. Their tags bore the unmistakable Disney logo.

Mike laid his hands on their shoulders. “Do you know what those mean?”

Abel and Sam shook their heads. I could see the glint of disappointment in Abel’s eyes, but I knew the significance of those hats—at least, I thought I did. And in a moment, I also knew the bubbling excitement from earlier would overflow.

“It means Santa got you a special trip to Disney.”

“Disney!” The sound was deafening. I’d never heard them scream so loud in my life, and I’d heard them scream.

“Yep, Disney. And guess what? Santa sent a special sleigh, and we’re leaving tonight,” Vanessa said, adding to their excitement.

The boys danced around Vanessa, screaming and laughing. They were so excited. My heart burst with joy at seeing them so happy. My smile dropped, thinking of my parents, how they would’ve loved to see them like this.

“You okay?” Mike whispered. I didn’t notice him come over.

I nodded. “Just thinking my mom and dad would’ve loved this.”

Mike wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me to his side. “They’re watching.”