Page 46 of Mike's Assistant

Knowing Jake was watching, I deliberately took my time stripping. I smirked at hearing his breath quicken and hitch. Soon, with my jeans slipped off, I stood there completely bare. I rose, proud of my muscular physique.

My cock hardened as I locked my gaze on Jake. I could see the lust and heat shining in them. “You keep looking at me like that, and I won’t be shifting.”

Jake licked his bottom lip. “Then you better transform now, because I don’t know if you’ll be shifting either.”

Closing my eyes and taking a deep breath, I pictured my lion form. In moments, fur sprouted across my skin, my limbs extending and reshaping, until my transformation was complete. I shook my mane and couldn’t stop the brief roar.

“Mike?” Jake’s timid voice broke through my animal mind.

I bowed and crouched low, attempting to be the least intimidating. Jake lifted his hand and slowly reached out, but stopped.

“You’re so beautiful. Is it okay if I touch you?”

I shuffled forward, pressing my head into his hand. Jake instantly buried his fingers into my mane. His touch sent waves of comfort through me, eliciting involuntary purrs and chuffs.

Jake chuckled. “You like that, don’t you?” He said, scratching my fur.

I pushed my head into his body and rubbed my face against him like a kitten. I wanted to leave my scent all over him.



So lost in the feel of my mate’s hands, I didn’t notice the door had opened. Jake’s face flushed a deep red as he hastily composed himself. My gaze shifted, landing on Sam and Abel. Their eyes, wide as silver dollars, looked at me in amazement.

“Sam. Abel. What are you doing here?” Jake hurriedly asked.

They ignored him, especially Abel, who stepped toward me. “It’s Scruffy,” he repeated.

Abel, without a hint of fear, took another step and tentatively reached out to stroke the thick fur of my mane. The touch was light, filled with a child’s wonder. Soon, Sam, not to be outdone by his younger brother, approached and started petting me as well. Their little hands were gentle and curious.

Jake, finally regaining his composure, crouched down next to the boys, one hand resting on my back. “Boys, I know he looks like Scruffy, but this is actually Mike.”

Both boys looked at him. Their brows furrowed in confusion. “But he’s Scruffy,” Sam insisted, pointing to the resemblance between me and their cherished stuffed toy.

Jake sighed, trying to find the right words. “I know it’s confusing. Mike has a special ability where he can change into a lion. But he’s not the stuffed toy Scruffy. He’s a real lion and our friend.”

I needed to revert to my human form to explain the situation to the boys better. I moved behind the bed, out of their direct line of sight, and willed my body to change back. The familiar sensation of my bones reshaping and fur receding took over. Once in my human form, I hastily grabbed my clothes and dressed.

Emerging from the other side of the bed, I kneeled down to the boys' level. "Hey," I began gently, looking into their astonished eyes, "It's still me, Mike."

The boys exchanged glances, seemingly processing the situation. "So, you're a real-life Scruffy?" Abel finally asked, his voice filled with awe.

Jake smiled, wrapping an arm around Abel. "Something like that. But we have to keep this a secret, okay? It's very important that you don't tell anyone about this."

Sam nodded gravely, seeming to understand the gravity of the request. "We promise, right, Abel?"

Abel nodded enthusiastically, his eyes still on me. "Promise! Can we play with real-life Scruffy later?"

Jake chuckled, "Maybe later. But remember, he's still Mike."

I grinned, ruffling the boys' hair. “You can definitely play with Scruffy. What do we say we go swimming in the pool?

The boys’ eyes lit up like Roman candles, and they quickly nodded. “Scruffy swims?” Abel asked.

I laughed. “Yeah, Scruffy swims. Why don’t you both go get changed into your suits.”

Before leaving, they looked at Jake, who gave them a nod. They quickly turned and ran out. Jake peered down at me.