“That’s why?” I asked, incredulous at the thought that was why Mike chose the law.
Mike smiled and leaned close. “Yep. And I’m glad I did. I met you.”
I felt my face warm again. “Smooth talker.”
Mike laughed, and we continued our chat. As the night went on, we talked about everything from my growing up and how I wanted to go to school, to Mike telling me he still writes music and loves to surf. It was perfect. The more we talked, the more I felt a connection with him.
“How’s everything?” Tim asked, as I finished my last bite.
“Wonderful,” Mike replied.
“Delicious, thank you,” I said.
“I’m glad you enjoyed it. Can I interest you in the apple cobbler for dessert? It’s fantastic.” Tim emphasized the word good.
It sounded good, so I glanced at Mike. He laughed and nodded. “You twisted our arms. We’ll take it.”
Tim nodded and quickly hurried away. In less than a minute, he placed the dessert in front of us. As Tim set the dessert on our table, Mike shifted in his seat, casting a glance toward the stage where the band had just finished a number and was taking a short break.
“Hey, Jake,” Mike began, a mysterious glint in his eyes. “I need to step away for a moment. I’ve got a little surprise for you. Wait here, okay?”
Before I could even question him, Mike was up and heading toward the stage. I watched in surprise, trying to figure out what he was doing. The stage lights dimmed slightly as Mike stepped up, taking a guitar handed to him by one of the band members.
He strummed a few chords, and the crowd quieted down, their attention captured. His voice echoed out, gentle and firm.
“In the hustle of the day, beneath the city lights, your big brown eyes…”
I felt my heart skip a beat. Was he singing about me?
“A lion's heart, hidden in a man's attire, for you, my love, it roars like wildfire.”
His gaze found mine across the distance, and I felt a connection so palpable it nearly took my breath away. My heart pounded, ready to burst. I couldn’t believe it.
“You stand strong for your brothers so small. In your courage, I truly fall.”
The crowd was mesmerized, but it felt like Mike was singing just for me. Every line echoed our shared moments, our growing bond.
“In the roar of the city or the silent night, I'll always hold you oh so tight.”
The song ended, and the applause erupted. I was overwhelmed by the realization of Mike’s feelings for me, conveyed through the heartfelt lyrics. He stepped off the stage and returned to our table; the room was buzzing with whispers and applause.
The air between us was thick with emotion. Mike had just laid bare his feelings for me, and I knew then that I wasn't alone in my growing affection, but I wasn't sure if I was ready to voice my own feelings.
All I could think was, did I dare admit it?
Lazy Day Surprise
Jake squinted his eyes at me, a mixture of surprise and curiosity. “What do you mean, we don’t have to go to work today?”
The memory of last night made my heart race. Singing that song to Jake was nerve-wracking, but the vulnerability was worth it. I could tell it affected him deeply. His kiss, gentle yet full of emotion, was the perfect way to end our evening. I wanted nothing more than to stay with him, to bask in the glow of our newfound connection. But the night had been intense for him. Discovering the world of paranormals, the situation with his brothers, their move–it was a lot. So, I stepped back, promising to see him in the morning.
“Mike,” Jake's voice jolted me back to the present.
“I mean just that. We’ve been given the day off,” I said plainly.
“But you’re my boss. I don’t get it. How were we given the day off?” Jake asked, confusion lacing his words.