“I know what you’re thinking. I can see it written on your face, but you can stay here. You have help now. You’re not alone,” Mike said, reading my mind. It was surprising how well he could read me.
“I don’t understand why you’re helping me. I don’t…” How did I say I feared what he was?
“I’m helping you because I need to,” Mike began. “I messed up tonight and petrified you. It wasn’t my intention. I need to make it right.” He looked away for a moment and inhaled before continuing. “It’s more than that, though. It’s who you are to me.”
I swallowed, terrified to ask, but I asked all the same. “What am I to you?”
“You’re my mate,” Mike said instantly.
“What does that mean?” I asked nervously.
“I’m a shifter, as you found out.” Mike’s eyes locked with mine, and I could see the seriousness shining in them. “I will never, ever hurt you. Neither will my lion. The truth is, he was just excited to see you, and I lost control.”
“Excited to see me? You talk like he’s different from you.”
Mike smiled. “He is, and he isn’t. I mean, we’re two spirits sharing the same body. He has his thoughts, but they’re pretty basic. Eat, sleep. You get the picture. But he knows his mate, just like me.”
“How is it possible? I mean, I know it’s possible. I saw you transform,” I said.
“Shifters have been around for a long time. Some say longer than humans. There are many different kinds, lions, tigers, bears—”
“Oh, my!” I quipped. Mike smiled big. “I couldn’t help myself. Continue.”
“Well, there are tons of paranormals out there. Not only shifters. Vampires, witches, fairies. Some say there are dragons, but no one has seen a dragon in forever.”
“Really? Dragons? Vampires? They’re real.” My jaw dropped. This was insane.
“Yes, they are,” Mike confirmed.
I shook my head, trying to wrap my head around what he said. Mike didn’t continue. He sat patiently. He gave me the time I needed to think because… wow. Wow was the only word I could think of.
I looked back on Mike and focused on the big questions, the ones that started with the word ‘Mate.’ I had a feeling I understood, but I needed clarity. “What’s a mate? How do you know I’m yours?”
He released a breath before speaking. “For the longest time, we thought mates were fairy tales told by our elders. We didn’t believe they existed, but.” Mike smiled and looked away for a moment before looking back at me. “Hayden’s grandpa, Grandpa Freddie, always told us they were real and Hayden and I would be blessed with mates.”
“And you believe I’m your mate?” I asked.
Mike nodded vigorously. “I know you’re my mate. Deep down, I know. When I first met you, it was like my heart beat for the very first time. I knew.”
I wanted to believe him, and I think some of me did, but still. “You said you thought it was a fairytale, though.”
“Yeah. You see. Shifters and paranormals used to live a very long time. Some still do, mainly shifters, live less than other paranormals, but more than humans. We live to about a hundred and fifty. But back in the day, we used to live for centuries. And because of our long life, Fate gave us mates. It was the one person to complete us and make us whole.” Mike took a breath.
“But we stopped meeting our mates. No one knows why. Maybe some in the older generation does, but it was like the tap was shut off. But Grandpa Freddie believed Hayden would change things, and we’d be blessed. Then he met Owen, and well, the tap is back on.” Mike grabbed my hand. “And I met you.”
Every word Mike spoke resonated in the deepest parts of me, stirring emotions I hadn't fully come to grips with. The universe had supposedly singled me out for this man? The idea was alluring, but it also felt like I was walking a tightrope. Sure, there was a pull between us I couldn’t deny. Yet, the rational part of me shouted it had only been a week. One week. How could everything hinge on such a brief span of time?
“I want to believe you, Mike. Every fiber of my being is drawn to you. Hell, I’ve even had dreams of us.”
I ignored Mike’s interruption. “That doesn’t matter. It’s only been a week, Mike. We've known each other for just a week. That’s it. How can we be certain?” My voice wavered, torn between the whirlwind of emotions and the logic trying to anchor me.
Mike's gaze searched mine, raw emotions playing out in his eyes. “Just a chance. Let's take our time and get to know each other without the weight of labels or destinies. Just a chance.”
I took a moment, staring into those big brown eyes. My heart battled with my head, but ultimately, the hope I saw in him tipped the scales. "Alright, Mike. We'll give this… whatever this is… a try."