Page 37 of Mike's Assistant

“Where are we headed?” Jake asked, breaking the silence.

I peered over at him. There was weariness but also trust. It was that trust that eased the ache in my chest. I knew I’d effed up. Perhaps Fate was giving me a chance.

“I would take you home with me,” Jake stiffened in the seat next to me, and I knew I’d made the right choice and continued on. “But I don’t know how comfortable you’d be. Hayden and Owen are staying with Hayden’s father. They’ve offered their apartment.”

“I don’t want to put them out,” Jake said quickly.

I shook my head. “You’re not. They don’t plan to go back there. They’re only here for the holidays before going back to the east coast to their beach house.”

Jake stared at me. Uncertainty shone in his eyes, and I could tell he wanted to protest more, but was internally battling what was best for the boys and the inconvenience.

I opened my mouth to reassure him, but Vanessa beat me. "Don’t worry, Jake. My brother and Owen really don’t want to stay in the apartment. Trust me, Jake, they've practically abandoned that place. They really don't mind."

Jake looked back at her. “Hayden’s your brother?”

She nodded quickly. “Yep, my big brother. Since meeting Owen, he’s sort of become retired. That’s when Mike got roped into being the CLO of Satchel Industries.” She laughed, her chuckle light and melodic. Almost instinctively, Abel and Sam giggled along, their eyes shining with mischief, even if they didn’t fully understand the joke. “Hayden’s become sappy and in love.”

Jake released a sigh and turned back to stare out the windshield. “Okay. I just don’t want to be a bother.”

I reached over and grabbed his hand. He looked down at the touch but didn’t pull away. I took that as a win and mentally fist-pumped the air. “You’re not.”

It didn’t take long before we were turning into the Satchel Tower. Hayden owned the entire building, not just the penthouse above. It was one of the most expensive, trendy, and luxurious buildings in the city.

Jake tensed and stared up at the immense structure. Nervousness radiated off him in waves, and I squeezed his hand, hoping to reassure him.

He glanced over at me. “Hayden’s place is here?”

“Yes, you and the boys will be safe and sound here. The building offers top-notch security, and you'll meet a wonderful doorman named Henry,” I replied, easing the car into the reserved parking spot near the entrance.

After turning off the ignition, I turned to Jake. “Let’s head inside and get you all settled.”

Jake nodded as we all climbed out of the SUV. Sam and Abel's eyes darted around the parking garage, curiosity painting their youthful features. I had to suppress a chuckle, already imagining their reactions. Hayden’s penthouse spanned two stories, boasting a sprawling pool and garden. And the cherry on top? Hayden, ever the gamer, had dedicated an entire room to theater and gaming. I could hardly wait to see the awe and excitement in the boys' eyes.

The main entrance door swung open, and Henry, dressed in his usual charcoal gray uniform, stepped out. Henry was a kind, middle-aged man that took his job with utmost seriousness. Years of knowing him hadn't changed his prim, proper, and professional demeanor one bit.

“Good evening, Mr. Doy, Ms. Satchel,” Henry greeted with his customary formal tone.

“Hi, Henry,” Vanessa chimed in, her voice bubbling with cheerful exuberance.

“Evening, Henry. Hayden mentioned he'd call you,” I said, stepping forward.

With a nod, Henry responded, “He did. He made it clear that a gentleman and his younger brothers would be staying in his apartment and that I should extend the same courtesy to them as I would to him.” Taking a step closer to Jake, he inquired, “I gather you're the gentleman he mentioned?”

Jake’s eyes widened. He resembled a deer caught in the headlights. Rushing to his side, I jumped in, “Yes, this is Jake Bradford, and these are his brothers, Sam and Abel.”

“It’s a pleasure to meet you. Please come in.” Henry opened the door and waved his hand in a grand gesture.

Jake glanced at me before walking into the main lobby. The lobby of the building was elegant with sleek decor. It had a main U-shaped reception, polished floors, and cream walls.

After everyone was in the building, Henry hurried in front of us and circled behind the counter. “Mr. Bradford.”

“You can call me Jake,” Jake replied.

I stifled a laugh, but Vanessa wasn’t as successful. “Jake, Henry will never call you by your first name. Heck, my brother threatened his job, but he wouldn’t budge. The only one he let slip was Owen, because let’s face it, Owen is a tiny, firecracker redhead, and you don’t want to get on his bad side.”

“Ms. Satchel,” Henry began with a practiced glare. “It was one instance that I referred to Mr. Pryde by his given name, and I can assure you it had nothing to do with fear.”

Vanessa pressed her lips tight. “Mmm hmm.”