I laughed to myself. When I was younger, I thought it weird seeing my father naked or being naked in front of him, but as time went on, I realized it was just how shifters were. Nudity was a part of being paranormal.
“I’m still getting used to the mansion. People are constantly there, and I needed a break,” he replied.
My parents recently divorced after years of marriage. They were kind to each other, but just didn’t love each other anymore. My mom even moved away. While my dad moved into the pride house, or as we called it, the Lion’s den.
“Have you heard from Mom?” I asked.
He nodded. “She’s in Colorado. She’s enjoying the snow and met some very interesting people there, by the sounds of it. I hear you met your mate. When were you going to tell me?” he asked, changing the subject.
“Who told you?”
“Are you kidding? It’s all Vanessa could talk about. She got the king’s consort, Brian, Hayden and Owen, thinking of ways to help you. The only reason they haven’t is because the king stopped them.”
I released a heavy sigh. “Dad… I really messed up.”
“What happened, Michael?”
I sighed again. “Jake, my mate’s name is Jake. He’s been really standoffish. Every time I tried talking to him, he keeps it short.”
“What has Stan said? Anything in the background?” My dad asked.
I shook my head. “I didn’t do a background check.”
“Why the hell not?”
“Vanessa. She told me how Owen and Brian hated that Hayden and Uncle Edward did background checks on them. So, I thought I’d do it the old fashion way.” I turned and stared at my dad. “The old fashion way sucks. I’m not getting anywhere with him, Dad. And then tonight, I fucked up.”
My dad placed his hand on my shoulder. “Nothing not fixable. What happened?”
“I kissed him, Dad. He freaked out and started talking about Vanessa and losing his job. He ran out before I could say anything.”
“Vanessa? Why would he mention her?”
I shook my head. “It’s because the first day I met him, Vanessa and I were making out. Denise and Jake interrupted us. I think he believes I’m dating her.”
“Damn. That would explain that and the losing job thing.” He released a large breath. “If you want my advice. Go to him. Clear the air. He may really need the job, and he’s worried about the repercussions. Give him the assurance he needs. It could be why he’s standoffish.”
“I know you’re right, but what if he still wants nothing to do with me?” The weight of uncertainty made my voice tremble.
My dad smiled. “He will, son. He will. He’s your fated one, and lord knows fate likes us to work hard for our mates. You can do this.”
I didn’t reply. I gazed out at the setting sun. “I can do this,” I whispered.
My dad wrapped his arm around my shoulders. “Yes, you can, Michael. Yes, you can. I’ll help you any way I can.”
“Thanks, Dad.”
Fate, Grandpa Freddie, or anyone out there, you can help me too, please.
Unexpected Waves
“Jake… Jake?”
The call of my name pulled me out of my thoughts. I looked down to see Abel gazing up at me. “Yeah, Abel?”
My mind had been scattered since last night. I couldn’t believe the kiss with Mike, but my night’s excitement didn’t end there. I had an intimidating encounter with Mrs. Pauly’s husband, and let’s just say, I could never be late picking up the boys again. The man was scary, and the boys were clearly shaken by the time I got there. To top it off, Mrs. Pauly warned me that another delay would have her calling the authorities. That statement alone put the fear of God in me.