I could feel the heat rushing to my face, grateful that the existing sunburn masked my blush. “It was a good weekend,” was all I said. But inside, my heart was racing, a mix of giddiness and nerves, all stemming from two sun-soaked days that had felt like a dream.
“Did I hear Ryan say someone had you glowing?”
I spun around at the sound of Mike’s baritone voice. I blushed harder. “It was a good weekend,” I repeated.
Mike grinned and stepped closer. “Was it? Did it have to do with a special someone?”
I glanced around nervously before stepping closer to him. “Maybe.”
“I had a great weekend, too. And I can tell you it was all about someone special,” Mike replied, his voice going husky.
I stepped to move closer, but stopped when seeing Katie walking down the hall. I stepped back and straightened. Mike frowned, but I still said. “Good morning, Katie.”
“Good morning, Jake. Got some sun, huh?” She said with a smile.
“Yeah. It was a fun weekend.” I looked back at Mike, whose expression had softened. “I’m glad you enjoyed your weekend, Mr. Doy. I’ll check your calendar immediately.”
I quickly turned and hurried to my desk. I got to work immediately, turning on my computer and sorting the files for the day. I was engrossed in sorting through the pile of reports on my desk when a movement from the corner of my eye caught my attention.
Glancing up, I found Mike strolling past my desk and into his office. Our eyes met, and he shot me a mischievous wink, the corners of his lips curling up into a smirk. My heart skipped a beat, but before I could react, he continued on, leaving me flustered yet smiling.
The rest of the day was a blur of appointments and meetings. Every executive in the building seemed to have a question or issue that needed resolving. There wasn’t a moment to catch a breath between coordinating conference calls, rearranging schedules, and prepping briefings. Every interaction with Mike was strictly professional, a quick nod here, a brief acknowledgment there, but nothing beyond business.
The once buzzing office had quieted by late afternoon as people trickled out. I glanced at the clock, realizing how late it had gotten. Ever the early riser, Katie was wrapping up her day, her desk neatly organized as always.
“Have a good evening, Jake,” she called out, throwing her purse over her shoulder. “Don’t stay too late!”
I offered her a genuine smile. “You have a good night, too, Katie. See you tomorrow.”
With the office now nearly empty, I gathered my thoughts, taking a deep breath to calm my nerves. It was time to face Mike, not as his assistant, but as someone who’d shared an unforgettable weekend with him. Slowly, I rose from my chair and headed into his office, knocking lightly before entering.
Mike lifted his head from his computer, with his phone to his ear, and flashed a smile.
“Yes, Mr. Wassermann, I’m glad we could get some of your issues resolved,” he said, waving me in. I grinned and continued in, closing the door behind me. “Yes, Mr. Wassermann.” Mike rolled his eyes and made a yapping hand gesture, causing me to giggle.
Over the weekend, I noted how Mike loved to have fun and was a jokester. It was endearing, and I was falling for him. Oh shit, I was falling for him. The realization hit me like a freight train. I just met him, and here I was, falling in love with him.
We barely knew each other, yet the feelings were so potent. They were impossible to ignore. How could a connection this deep form in such a short time? And was it mutual? Mike’s actions hinted so, but was he serious, or was I just a fling? He said he was looking for something more when he explained about Vanessa. Was I that something more?
“I believe we can get that settled tomorrow. We can pick it up then… No, most of our staff have left for the day. We can’t do it tonight… I’ll ensure we get you on the books for first thing in the morning.”
I nodded, pulling out my phone and noting the appointment. “Got it,” I mouthed, and Mike smiled in acknowledgment.
“Okay…yes… you, too. Good night. Talk to you tomorrow.” With those words, Mike quickly hung up the phone. “Dear god, that man can talk your ear off. Is everyone gone for the day?”
“Pretty much. Katie just left a few moments ago, and the rest left a few minutes before her. It’s just us on this floor,” I replied.
Mike grinned and jumped from his seat. His eyes had a predatory gleam, and my heart fluttered; I hoped what he was about to do was what I thought.
In just a couple of strides, he was right in front of me, pulling me into a powerful embrace. I felt the warmth of his lips on mine, a soft touch that quickly escalated into something deeper, more passionate. Mike didn’t disappoint; my hopes were becoming a reality as he pressed deep into the kiss. I moaned, loving his taste.
“Soulmate,” he murmured against my lips, pulling back slightly only to dive in again, even more fervently.
My heart raced, a blend of confusion and pleasure swirling inside me. “Made for me,” he continued between kisses, each word punctuated with a hungry urgency I had never felt from him—or anyone—before. “My mate.”
That word. Mate. It felt right, and I didn’t know why. It was as if I knew I was a part of him on a deeper level. All his words were true. I was nearly lost in the sensation when something shifted. Mike’s kisses grew almost desperate.
I pulled back to catch my breath and stared into his eyes. What I saw made little sense. His eyes eclipsed the confusion and rightness of Mike’s words. They weren’t the familiar warm brown I’d grown fond of, but were glowing a bright, wild gold.