A sharp cry escaped Mike as his grip tightened on me. The time had come. Swiftly, my lips enveloped him, taking him deep. His moan vibrated through me as he pushed further in. Suppressing my reflexes, I gave in to the rhythm he set, his length sliding effortlessly over my tongue.
My own arousal demanded attention, and with my free hand, I unleashed my aching cock. Finding a rhythm with his thrusts, both of us inching closer to the edge. Tingles of my orgasm raced through my body like a tidal wave, and I cried out around his cock as cum sprayed from my pulsing dick.
Mike wasn’t far behind, as he pumped in and out. His frantic pace culminated in one final thrust. He stiffened, and volley after volley of cum filled my throat. I did what I could to swallow, but some slipped free from my mouth.
Exhausted but sated, he eased his grip, and I gently cleaned him, savoring the lingering taste. Mike released a sigh and pulled me up from my knees and kissed me.
“That was amazing,” I said breathlessly.
Buzz…. Buzz… Buzz
I jerked my eyes open. My heart raced, and I was panting. I peered down, seeing cum covering my blanket and sheet.
“What the fuck?” I whispered.
Buzz… Buzz… Buzz
I grabbed my phone from the coffee table, and my heart stopped racing, reality hitting me like a freight train.
Early Bird Tensions
Buzz… Buzz…
I opened my eyes with a groan and slammed the offending alarm off. Sliding out of bed, I stumbled to the bathroom. The dark circles that greeted me in the mirror were a testament to my restless night. I couldn’t sleep. The excitement of meeting my mate kept me awake. My mate. Jake. The mere thought of his name caused a grin to split my face.
Today, I’d be able to see Jake and talk to him. I’d be able to get to know him. My lion roared within me, eager to see his mate. The excitement of yesterday filled me once more, and I dare say I felt giddy. Not that I’d ever use that word in public to describe myself.
After a quick shower and brushing my teeth, I found myself in the kitchen, dressed and gripping a travel mug filled with coffee, ready to face the day and see Jake. Would Jake want coffee? Does he like coffee? Maybe he’d be hungry. Do I get him something? These questions raced through my mind, causing me to pause. There was so much I didn’t know about him. Maybe I should call Stan? I thought again.
Vanessa had convinced me not to, but I had my doubts. This was my mate. I needed every advantage. I pulled my phone from my pocket and searched the contacts. The screen abruptly changed, and the face of my best friend was proudly displayed.
Pressing the answer button, I put the phone to my ear. “Hey, Hayden, what’s up?”
“Don’t 'what’s up' me, man. What the hell? I have to hear from my sister that you met your mate. You couldn’t call me?” Hayden replied.
I chuckled, grabbed my keys, and headed out the door. “I got caught up talking to her, and I knew Owen wasn’t feeling well. I didn’t want to bother you.”
“What bother? The heck with that man. We’ve been best friends forever, and yet Vanessa had to tell me you found your mate. Did you get Stan to do a check on him? What’s his name? Do you like him?”
I could only smile at the rapid change of Hayden’s tone from angry to inquisitive. “No, after talking to Nessa, I decided not to involve Stan and get to know Jake the old fashion way,” I replied.
Even though I doubted not getting Stan involved, Vanessa’s words from yesterday still kept me from getting the background check on Jake.
“What did I tell you about calling my sister Nessa to me? It’s creepy, man,” Hayden whined.
“That’s why I do it.”
I pressed the key fob for my SUV, and the lights of the midnight blue BMW X5 SAV illuminated the parking garage. Opening the door, I slid into the leather seats, feeling the plush comfort mold around me, offering both support and luxury. I cherished this car. It was luxury with a capital L.
“Jerk,” Hayden replied. “So, his name’s Jake? Is that all you know?”
I pressed the ignition, and the vehicle roared to life. After syncing my phone and putting it on speaker, I placed the car in gear and pulled out of the lot before answering. “Yeah, his name is Jake Bradford. And I know he’s mine. He’s gorgeous, Hay. I mean, he’s perfect for me. I know it. My lion went insane after seeing him.”
Hayden laughed. “Yeah, they tend to do that. Are you really not going to do a check on him?”